"Say it Aint So" Cover


New member
Some local musicians I was working with gave their friend my number to contact me for recording. He came over one night for a couple hours and we did seven live acoustic songs for a demo to get bar gigs with. We did a quick mix of it that night.

I used a Nady RSM-5 ribbon on his voice, null pointed at the guitar. I have a pair of MXL 603s' on the guitar, in X/Y.

I think the voice could sound clearer, but he moved around a lot on the mic, so parts are muddier than others.

The reverb is the standard AIR reverb that comes with PT8.

There's no automation, just a quick static mix with a bit of EQ and compression.

Let me know what you think, guys! Any advice is appreciated. Thanks.

Sounds alright. I don't really like his voice, but you got a decent sound. The guitar could be louder.
Mix sounds a little flat. I too do not like the vocals on this song. This might not be the right song for this person to sing. Since I can't sing a not on key I should have nothing to say about that.
Alright, thanks a lot for the input guys.

I do agree that it sounds kind of flat. It could use a little top end.

Guitar could indeed be louder.

Haha he is a much better singer than me, and that's not really something I can change anyway. I could suggest a different song, but beyond that I have no control.

Yes, the overall volume could use a boost, and it may actually be too dynamic. Moderate limiting on the output would help.

As for the guitar sounding thin, could you be more specific? It's not thin to my ear, but I might not notice what it's lacking without you pointing it out. Suggestions?

All I know is that this sounds a lot better than my older recordings. So, can we say that I'm on the right track? I know it has its issues, for sure. But is there anything else really major that I'm missing at the moment?
Dunno...singer's voice is okay to me, pretty nice actually. Very in tune, nice feeling. But then I don't know the original....
What the recording needs is a bit of shine, otherwise sounds great.

Joey :):):):)
Hey man, I'm only listening to the song on a system with a subwoofer and one speaker. But so far it sounds pretty good.

I think you've got a good acoustic sound there! Turn the guitar up man :) it sounds great ...... And I also like the singer too. Good tone and note sustain. I've only heard the original once playing guitar hero, so I'm relatively unbiased :)

I think this sounds great man, but turn the guitar up more :)