Saxophone Help Needed!


New member
So later today i'm recording a sax in a prtety small room, and the only mics available to me are SM57's and a pair of AKG C3000B's, having not recorded sax before does anyone have any tips on which mics would be best? mic position? etc

all help is appreciate, thanks
I'd personally use the SM57 over the C3000B, but why not try both? Experiment, mess around a bit and see what you can do :)
I think the most important thing to know is not to mic the obvious place which is the bell - the best sound comes from pointing the mic at the body above the bell. Can't remember why, but a very knowledgable friend explained it to me once and from expeirence it seems to be true.

I would try using the SM57 close up pointing just a bit over and above the bell like described above, then a C3000 or a bit further away/overhead.
Though I'm no expert, I did play sax for a while and have been around them even longer. I would expect that the reason for getting the best sound in the above manner is because, while most sound does come from the bell, sound also comes from the body.

I would try both mics at first. Not being a mic expert I might expect you'd get a bit of a better sound from the AKG. But, if you like the sound of the 57 go for it and use the C3000B as either a room mic, or (a bit more interesting in my mind) would but to put it near the neck to capture the natural sound of the breath, the keys, and what not. (I've never done that so I'm just going on theory.) It all depends on the sound you want. Using it as a room mic would probably give you a more "polished" product, where putting at the neck might give it a more "intimate" feel. Just some thoughts.