Sax- American Style


New member

Any comments on this rough mix will be appreciated!
Please feel free to be as complimentary and/or brutal as can be..............................................I need input for the final product. Ream me a new one on all.......mix , patches, improvisational content and composition. (Thank you master, may I have another?)

p.s. the 'qoutes' are in deep honor for our troops.
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flat-9 said:
Any comments on this rough mix will be appreciated!

Please feel free to be as complimentary and/or brutal as can be..............................................

Ream me a new one


Brutal huh?!

Ya want it goes...........ready?

Man, that is some pretty music and great playing.....
The sax is a synth???
sounds super good.... it a synth??

The drums sound real...are they?

Roland keys?

Good stuff Ralph,
Take it easy man...

sorry I was so hard on ya :D
very nice tune..

I'll be extremely critical for you..

the sax patch sounds great in most spots, but in other spots it gets obvious.. I'm thinking the highat/shaker/rim shot is too loud.. maybe it's just me.. or maybe it's because that's some of the only high end I'm hearing and it makes it stand out more.. I really like the tune.. I was expecting something heavy from you..

I think this needs a remix to sound a bit smoother, but that's being ultra critical here.. Normally I might have just said, 'cool tune.'

Is this a cover? Some of the riffage sounds very familiar, Very CD 101.9 ish.. good tune!
Yikes, this is slick!

Don't get me wrong, you're a fabulous musician Ralph. But this kinda music makes the hair in my neck stand up... ;)

To each his own, I guess. :)

Was that brutal enough?

Anyway, we're not here to talk about the composition or sounds great (the patches as well as the overall sound). Don't like the reverb on the drums though. Bit too much slapback. Perhaps you can diffuse it a little?
very impressive. the imagery covers a lot of ground, stuff is wide, and hanging from high overhead to the ground like running flowers in an outdoor garden cafe. The drums sound good but the wooden batter on the kick is a little too aggressive, if you could add some felt on it and make it "thump" a little more instead of "thack" it would ease back into the combo more. Drum kit could lay back a little, if you touched em more than long enough to blink it might be too much though. You play bass a lot like Abraham..I can hear all this well, maybe one day I can develop the hand and tool expertise to send something back this good.
I don't get the chance to stop by the clinic too often. I think I picked a good time to stop today. Listened to Bedlam also while I was on your you knock me out! Great use of intervallic harmonies on Bedlam! I'm still waiting to hear the b9/toki collaboration. You two guys could blow the roof off this thing!

Nice playing......the sax patch sounds decent but I'm a sax player so it never sounded really like a sax to me but like I say, that's what I do.
The composition has some nice changes but, as others have said, it could use something else to shake it up a little. It does get a little.......hmmmmmmmmm....well, it loses my interest after a bit.....whoa nice playing at about 4:00.......I really like your playing.....the sounds are very nice...the bass is a little unfocused...just a bit too 'round' ya' know?... but please understand that I'm nitpicking 'cause it does sound good.
Nice job.....let me know if you'd like a real sax on something sometime. :)
hi -- nice tune, but as a sax player my hair are standing up hearing the horribly-sounding sax emulation. Why don't you get a sax player to record it? The song is clearly worth putting more effort in it. Keep us posted.'s not a horrible sax patch by any means. As a sax player I could certainly tell but Giganova is exaggerating a bit concerning it's sound. It's not too bad by sax patch standards.
I gree with Lt Bob that the patch is not too bad. I apologize for exagerating. As a sax playa, though, it just doesn't sound right. Your song might benefit a lot from a good sax track, though.

I'm bleeding from your Lowellian brutality!:eek:

Sax is a Roland U-20, patch still needs tweaking and I've got go back into the head and solo to fix a few notes to make it more credible.

Drums are the same ones I used on Bedlam, Korg XC Jazz Kit. Got your PM. I'll ring you up after Easter.


Thanks for the ears. Ya, I gotta go back in and fix those obvious 'spots'.
Also I agree that the incidental percussion is to hot and must be eq'd further.
I like the tune too. As a composer for hire, I've gotta write in a variety of styles. ( I'm due for a 'heavy one' soon though, I'll do one this year and and fulfill your expectations. This one will probably end up being sold outright ( no royalties, :rolleyes:sigh) to HP or the likes for background to an 'industromercial' as some of my previous stuff of this style has. ( The chics in marketing like this smooth jazz stuff ) They'll make me edit out the Star Spangled quotes though and change the title of course to something really creative like " Musicbed #27 in G with Saxophone.LOL.:rolleyes:

No, not a cover. The licks just come. (They'd better, I've transcribed enough friggin' solos.


For sure the verb's comin down esp on the snare.

Thanks for the PM. You sir, are a gentleman. ;)


You're a poet, man! Gotta love it!

I'll 'hack the thack' and EQ it for a thumpier attack and take the kit down a 'c.h.'

I love Abraham, Thanks. ( but Jaco was my man ):cool:

Thanks for the kind words.


Agreed! Thanks for the listen!


Thanks for stoppin' by. Ya, man. "When in doubt, use perfect 4th triad arpeggiated or a diminished scale!"

Toki's playing on one of my tunes later this year. ( he just doesn't know it yet, shhhhh!):confused:

I'll catch you over @ Fostex later this week!

Lt. Bob

Thanks for the PM . I truly appreciate it! I'll get back to you on all discussed w/ a PM later this week.

Nothing beats a real smokin saxman or any burnin' live player for that fact! (as long as they've made enough trips to the shed);)

Ya, a couple of deceptive changes made this piece work. Maybe a few more in the bridge would shake it up a bit, and/or a couple of polyrythms...hmmmmmmmmmmmm. I like the bass though, in fact I thought it might have been a little to slappy. Are you listening through big ass woofers or phones?

I'm sure when both our schedules relax a tad, we'll get some tracks laid down together and have a ball doin' it!:D

Giganova Giganova

Thanks for the listen and your input. If I sold this one outright as a music bed, the people who buy it couldn't hear the difference between a sax and a zither!:rolleyes:
Toki987 said:
I`ll need to spit polish the tuning keys on my kazoo.
Thanks Proff'. ;)

LMAO! Just get those 'Abaham' chops up. Lt. Bob looks like he's hip to something down the road too!

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Slackmaster2K said:
**Three posts were removed from this thread at the request of their respective authors.**

Slackmaster 2000
Whoa...we can DO that?!?!?!?

Slack, please delete everything I've ever posted in The Cave immediately!

...except the "fonts" flames...those can stay.

Thanks... (sorry for the interruption)