Sandweaver - Kicking and Screaming

I liked it and it sounded like a good mix to my (fairly inexperienced) ears. Good stuff... :)

I did think the vocals could come up a tad. The toms didn't sound very good (the section starting around 1:20) - hopefully it could be a fix-it-in-the-mix kinda thing... Sorry I can't explain what was wrong with them - just sound a bit harsh.

Also, the vocal line started to get a little uninteresting - way too much of the same 2 notes. I dig the singer's voice and his performance, but I just think the melody could use a little deviation from those 2 main notes. Example from the first lines of the song... I think something like just taking the word "wall" (end of 3rd line) up a step would really go a long way. Little stuff like that scattered throughout might have kept my interest a bit more.
Mix is very clean and nice sounding... but I agree... the toms during the tom rolling part sound very.. odd. I think it's because of the set. You might be able to eq them to sound better though. I think the vocals are very fitting for the song. Kick sounds a little flat too. Over all though it sounds great.
Because the mix was done quite quickly there is no eq on the toms or kick other than a HPF. So I may be able to do something with their sound with a bit of eq.

I'll mention the Enrique Yorke singing to the singer. I'm sure he'll be amused.

Thanks guys.
