
New member
My friend is selling the Samson 5kit 5 piece drum mic set for about £125 (he got them for £150) and I'm tempted to buy them. He doesn't know much about mics/gear in general so I don't want to ask him if they are good or not because he will just say yes without really knowing the reason why.

These mics come with a Q Kick, Q Snare and 3 Q Toms.

I have been looking at the freq response charts for these mics, and the Q Kick mic doesnt look that far off from a D112, which I have used to get a really great sounding kick in the past. (obviously some noticeable differences but round abouts the same lifts at certain frequencies) so is this a good kick mic, does it has the same sort of sound that a D112 produces?

I have used the Samson CO2 as overheads on many recordings at my college and they always sound pretty good, so are these mics worth buying for this price or will I be better off saving for more expensive mics? I understand these are aimed at beginners/people new to recording as they are in a set, so these will be used for home recording only.

Hey there.
The kit isn't bad for what it is, but If you stick at this any length of time you'll probably replace it bit by bit.

The little condensers were ok. I used them much more than anything else.
Even when I bought my sm81s, the co2s still got the odd job, but the rest of the kit did not.

Frequency charts aren't much to go on really. The samson kick mic isn't really anything like a d112.

My advice? If you think you'll be growing into home recording, offer him £60 for the condensers, then save a little for a 57 and a kick mic of your choice. :)

If you just want a home setup that'll do for whatever, go with the kit.
What's (arguably) more important at this level is what you're going to plug them into.