Sample rate problem


New member
I've got a wav file I downloaded off the net that I want to incorporate into something I'm working on... the problem is it's only at 8012 Hz. I had to edit it a bit in Sound Forge which is fine but when I go to save it it only gives me the option of saving it at 8012 Hz ...this is the problem because when I play it back in Cubase it's all garbled because I assume that Cubase wants to play it as a 44.1 kHz file.... I guess I could have posted this in the Cubase or Sonic Foundry forums but thought it was general enough to post here... anyway how do i get around this?
One low tech way would be to record it to something like a DAT or cassette or what ever (analog) and re-record it to the computer (analog) at 44.1.
Try resampling it to 44.1 kHz, but I'm not sure if the results will be very good -- the low-tech approach suggested by Track Rat might give you better results.
or just send it out from your sound card and record it back in (assuming full duplex operation)
