
The reason that no one has answered is most likely that no one here has that same combination of equipment. With a little more info some one might be able to point you in the right direction.
For instance, I'm not familiar with the Fostex, does it have aux sends or an effects loop? How about channel inserts ?
Do you want to use the compressor during recording or mix down? For the whole mix or just part of it?
What are you mixing down to?
With this info someone can probably help.
You want to use the aux send/return for the reverb and the channel inserts for the compressor ...
After checking the Fostex site I couldn't really determine if the FD4 had either of these features ... so I didn't post. I'd rather not say anything than tell you to do something your equipment can't do. :)

Maybe post this same question in the Fostex forum. Those guys might know more about the FD4.
This post sounds like it belongs in the Fostex Forum. Try posting it there and see who bites.
My brother has an FD4, so I think I can help. Big Kahuna is right about the aux sends for reverb and the inserts for compressor. Since you can only record two tracks at a time you need to get two patch cables(1/4 in stereo TRS to two 1/4 in mono)and simply patch the compresso in through the two inserts (labeled insert 3 and 4). Once you have figured that out you can go ahead and record through tracks 3 &/or 4.After you've laid your tracks down hook up your other processor through one of the two aux sends and return it through the two corresponding aux returns. Now you can dial in different amounts or reverb (or whatever) to your two (or four) tracks. This should only be attempted at mixdown to prevent the effect from bleeding onto any tracks that haven't or are presently being recorded.