Sam Wang- A love song


Whats the best RAP MIC??!
This is a song I just recorded real quick with an artist I just started working with. I'd LOVE if you could give me feedback on what you think about the song, him, and most important, the quality! The beat is No sleep by wiz, and is an MP3 which is why it sounds so thin.

Love it

really like da light autotune
could be stronger

I'd do mini back tracks with more autotune and bring that in at the end of some of those chorus ends like at 'forever' 'pole' - so more dubbing - more layering of vocal needed to make full

The metallic track is a bit piercy. My mini earphones make it shrill.

finish the song without a fade

But, in all, very listenable

really like the artist's voice/chops.
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I'm not a fan of the keys sound in the backing track, it's got no top or low end.

There's a tone in the kick sound that kinda bugs me too, which I'd try and eq out even on a stereo mp3.

The vocal works really well. Nicely produced, so well done!
Thanks a ton guys ! Keep the feedback coming. This was only a rough draft that we did in about an hour or so, so we will change up all that when we go to do the real version. The backing beat is shitty quality so when I re make it, it should sound better. Thanks though guys and have a good weekend
Thanks man! I can't really fix that stuff because the beat was pre made but thanks for listening !!

You can still tweak the EQ right? Is the drum track isolated? You can still adjust the EQ of an mp3 for your mix.
You can still tweak the EQ right? Is the drum track isolated? You can still adjust the EQ of an mp3 for your mix.

Nah unfortunately the entire backing track is on one mp3. The beat is "No sleep" by Wiz Khalifa so it already was commercially mixed and mastered, so i cant change anything. The drums are not isolated