Salesman said BlueMax Smart ain't bad


New member
I ordered an M-Audio dmp-3 today. I would love to have an RNC too. I have the BlueMax Smart compressor. I asked the sales guy if he thought it would be worth going without food for two weeks, to get a RNC.

I was "pleased" that he didn't immediately try to sell me on the RNC. He said he had one in his studio (BlueMax), and thought it did an admirable job.

To those of you who have possibly had the BlueMax, and swithced to RNC, should I have gone on the 2-week diet?

-shakes head-

Salesmen will tell you whatever you need to hear, in order to buy a product.

I went into Sam Ash, and asked about an M-Audio Omni Studio, vs a Digi 002...just because the M-Audio was on sale, he wanted to bash the Digi to hell, saying it was junk.

The next week, I asked about the opposite, and he bashed the M-Audio saying it was nothing but a expensive drink coaster.

Don't believe everything they tell you.
i own 2 blue max

and have found them to be very usable. Am i still going to buy a RNC? More than likely, just like mics, i want to be able to have a variety of compressors to choose from.
I believe there are quite a few people who use these on the board. Sam (B. sabbath) was using one at one point, im not sure if he still is but he was the one who turned me onto them.