*sad face* songwriting troubles...


New member
Well...I play acoustic guitar in a band but lately ive been trying to branch off into my own stuff. Like, solo acoustic junk...but everytime i try to write lyrics, i think they are really good at first but then when i read them again, i think they suck. Does anybody have this problem? or and advice(other than to be less self-critical :P )? Thanks guys...
A lot of lyrics are stupid if you just read them. Music has a way of taming that reaction somewhat. What do they sound like when you play them? Might want to consider posting them for everyone to give you their opinions.

Yup. get exactly what you are talking about all the time.

I actually find it quite fun, i'll sing nonsense, just words that sing nicely. You'd be amazed what the subconscious will dredge up and often it's really good...or someone elses.

This is one of the ways I write...I'll change a lyric 7 or 8 times before I'm entirely happy. Looking back it's a great insight to listen to those first takes they're like a stream of consciousness diary.

I'll never be Paul Buchanan and be able to write something that makes no sense and perfect sense at the same time.
"the red guitar is broken, to bang the drum of youth again, and she's crying on my shoulder, stay and I will understand you....."


i would actually post them - your lyrics..why not...it's only words...and I bet the critic is a learning experience.
All the best,

ok...heres my latest thing...its actually not that bad, compared to my other stuff....AND its not finished...I just wrote this like 20 minutes ago...and i needed to stop cause my ideas were getting horrible...haha

title: Bad news has wings

You knew I couldnt stay,
and now its over.
I didnt want to see your tears fall
like the end of the world
So give me a choice
give me a voice, how can this go away?

So end it all here
and tell me whats on your mind
and bad news has wings
just let it fly away, fly away now

yea...i started it with the phrase which is the title and it just came out. weee...
Do you intend to incorporate a rhyme somewhere along the line? Idea is good, go to rhymezone.com and see if you can't say the same thing in a different way using lines that rhyme.

something more like this (by the way...this isnt the same thing... )

Where do we come from if our hearts are all broken,
I never wanted to lie.
I know now that our lives are all spoken for
and this will be our last time
She sat in the corner, alone and unwanted
and i never could figure out why

also...when i put the previously mentioned lyrics to music, it doesnt really matter that it doesnt rhyme...it still sounds pretty cool...i think anyway... heh
So what's wrong with this one, keep going while you're on a roll! Or is that the problem? Get a few lines and then...nothing. Or you just think the lyrics are stupid? Is it really that important that the lyrics have some profound meaning? Keep writing until the song is finished and play it a few more times. When you feel some line or phrase is just not right, change it. Every line you write gets you that much closer to the song you get that warm fuzzy feeling about. You just gotta get that other stuff out there where you can see and hear it. Good luck man, I know it's frustrating some times but you can do it.

Read some Chili Pepper lyrics-- that might help you feel better. Most of the stuff Kiedis writes doesn't make any damn sense (maybe to him... not to me). But it doesn't matter because the whole package (song) sounds so cool.

I also read somewhere that the Rolling Stones used to just make up crap on the fly in the studio. In fact, I think 'Jumping Jack Flash' was one they mentioned by name-- and what the heck is a Jumping Jack Flash anyway?

What's really funny is countless fans will try to give these things some kind of deep meaning when they were in essence random words.

I try to stick to the goal of telling a story (however abstract it may turn out). Humans are naturally drawn to stories. Think of the song 'Crash' by Dave Matthews. It tells a story about a pubescent boy living next door to a hot girl in a somewhat abstract and convoluted way. But I think most guys can relate to that song. If you didn't have some hot girl living next door when you were a teenager... you probably had wished you did.

thanks guys...youve helped so much...heh...im almost finished with a song that i actually like...ha...and some of it doesnt make much sense...
Stupid lyrics

Forget Chilli peppers ever read the lyrics to Parnoid? or Iron man?
better yet read Iron maiden lyrics these bands raked in millions and are Icons I think its a confadance thing Lyrics and vocals are YOU! and if their criticized (or if the fear of it looms in the back of your mind) then YOU are Criticized your thoughts feelings and what not. and sometimes thats intimidating but Meah, WTF eh
I agree with those guys...some of the most popular songs ever written look totally ridiculous when you rip the music away and just leave the lyrics.

You've got to start somewhere. Being a famous musician does not mean they are immune from writing crap (and for the record, I liked the lyrics you posted). They still write total garbage...you just don't HEAR it cause they only release the stuff they deem to be successful.

DON'T throw away the stuff you hate! Keep it in a box somewhere and go back to it when you're having writers block or something. If it doesn't wind up helping you there, then it might make you realise how far your songwriting has developed when you're a little further down the track.

May the force be with you.
Hey there

Sounds like you got a pretty good rue a cookin for a decent song....My advice: Keep every cocktail napkin, Micky D's bag or scratch peice of paper you have ever scrawled your stuff on...they'll come in handy later. Uh, you might want to copy them down somewhere else to avoid roach infestation from all of those burnt fries that nobody ever eats at the bottom of the bag though! BTW, I have heard some pretty lame lyrics on the radio...and sadly it sells. Nothing is too lame, so don't be too critical...just bounce it off of someone else, ya know?
Re: Hey there

bdbdbucksKID said:
" Keep every cocktail napkin, Micky D's bag or scratch peice of paper you have ever scrawled your stuff on..."

Not to quote my sis, but I think I just did. Anyway, I think I hear what you mean, being so critical of your own lyrics, I just liked what you said when you said that it sounded cool, or you thought so when you put it to music. In my all be it unimportant opinion, if you like the way it sounds to music, than you've got it. The words could be anything, which was made clear in some earlier posts, and why they end up on cocktail napkins half of the time. When it's really magic is when the songs great, and when
the lyrics. But it sounds to me like you're getting there.
Keep it coming man.
Another canidate for lyrics which dont make sense: Oasis:
"walking slowly down the hall faster than a cannon ball"

Anyway, Im glad that this subject is here. I have the same problem mrcheesehead. The suggestions are helping me too. Thanks.