Running Pro Tools on Mac/Windows PLEASE HELP!


New member
I'm pulling my hair out here! I recently purchased a Macbook Pro with Leopard 10.5.8 software on it and Windows Parallel. I want to run my Pro Tools on the Parallel system off of Windows XP (not sure if this is a terrible idea but most of my plug-ins are Windows based) and I am unsuccessful thus far. I have installed the Pro Tools on both the Mac and the PC. It originally worked for the PC but would not load the plug ins. The worst part is I have the official Pro Tools disc and its still not working! I backdated the windows portion of my mac to the first day it was installed and then reinstalled it. Now whenever I open up Pro Tools it doesn't even load it just shuts down my Parallel system. After that I installed it on my Mac but same problem with the plug-ins it just freezes as they load. What do I do?!?!?! And when I ran Pro Tools, I ran my acoustic direct into Pro Tools and when I had three tracks recorded I got the infamous memory issue even though its a recent macbook pro with 2 GB of RAM. None of this makes sense! Please help!

-Tom Camp
Give up running it on parallels - that's a terrible idea.

If you are hellbent on running it on a Windows installation use bootcamp, forget parallels or vm ware fusion.

Alternatively just use OSX!

And are you sure you have 10.5.8? AFAIK it hasn't been released yet and 10.5.7 was only released on Tuesday
Give up running it on parallels - that's a terrible idea.

If you are hellbent on running it on a Windows installation use bootcamp, forget parallels or vm ware fusion.

Alternatively just use OSX!

And are you sure you have 10.5.8? AFAIK it hasn't been released yet and 10.5.7 was only released on Tuesday

All good points!
I have to throw my hat in the "why would you do that" ring.... if you must run windows XP on a MAC, just use boot camp. I have run Windows under VMWare and Parallels and have found them both adequate (barely) for running business apps (office, etc...), not for real time processing, there's just to much overhead and too many variables involved in running a virtual environment for an app such as PT (least of which is the way they handle external devices)....

Perhaps you can post the plug-ins you are concerned about only having PC versions of here and poll for replacements, which would run under OS X.
even if you get it to work, it's gonna be soooo slow..

osx allocates a portion of system resources to parallels,,,so you're gonna end up running protools at half power or whatever....

personally,,,i wouldn't even bother

i found myself in a similar boat a while ago,,,,

i just bought new plugins and i've never looked back!!!