rumour vs. uad-1


New member
I am looking for a nice reverb and am torn between staying ITB with a uad-1 (which granted will get me some other nice plugs) or going OTB with something like a Rumour? Any ideas?
Which reverb plug on the UAD-1 were you thinking of getting? I've heard really good things about their plate plug (haven't used it), but I wasn't super overly impressed with the Dreamverb.

I guess I'd say if your primary purpose is reverb, I'd get the Rumour, but the plug-ins on the UAD-1 are amazing, and, if it were me with my needs instead of you with yours, I'd definitely pick the UAD over the Rumour.
......Or think about getting a TC-Powercore I find the verbs on the PCore to be very good, and by all accounts much better than Dreamverb.
People generally say the UAD-1 has amazing compressors and the powercore has the great sounding reverb. However, the plate reverb has been getting really good reviews.
jhag said:
I am looking for a nice reverb and am torn between staying ITB with a uad-1 (which granted will get me some other nice plugs) or going OTB with something like a Rumour? Any ideas?

I've got both. Rumour has some great verbs. Wasn't as impressed with the uad verbs. The plate is supposed to be good, but I havn't used it. The UAD compressors and eq's kick serious ass though.

edit - and I use the Rumour ITB most of the time - thanks to SX3! :D
I have two UAD-1s,the Realverb and Dreamverb are usable,the Plate 140 is awesome. :cool:

The compressors and EQ are fantastic and unless you've got some really good plugs already,will help your mixes better than any reverb could. :)

I know nothing about the Rumour,other than it seems to get consistently good reviews.

Remember you can run multiple instance of plugs with a UAD-1,settings are recallable via the host program and there are no cords to be run so it's a lot more convenient.
I have both, for a reason. The plate on the uad is great, but the rumour is an all-around great box, and it also has a great plate.

If all you want or need is a platye, then the uad might be a better choise for all the other effects you get. The Rumour just does verbs, but IMHO only the uad plate is even in the same league with the rumour's verbs.
i don't like any of the UAD reverbs. The plate was the best out of all of them but it had this "thick" quality that i didn't like. Maybe I could have EQ'ed in the low mids or something and gotten better results, but the demo ran out and i never tried it. Seems like it would be better for sparse mixes. But I didn't spend a ton of time with it.

The best plugin reverbs i've used are the Arts Acoustic verb, the convolution plugs, and this Anwida Spazio demo i just got.
Well I have a UAD-1 and i must say i do like some of the reverbs but their strength is in the EQs and compressors, I would say for that alone you should at least make the investment. As far as A reverb Plugin a convolution type seems to sound the most natural and really do sound like a real room as well as closest to a Hardware reverb. Speaking of hardware do u have any hardware verbs? run your tracks through that to tracks(reamp) :D then fix the delay in the verb tracks or use it for predelay I use my PCM 90 all the time that way has the digital output so it makes it nice to do this techinique
Well I have a UAD-1 and i must say i do like some of the reverbs but their strength is in the EQs and compressors, I would say for that alone you should at least make the investment. As far as A reverb Plugin a convolution type seems to sound the most natural and really do sound like a real room as well as closest to a Hardware reverb. Speaking of hardware do u have any hardware verbs? run your tracks through that to tracks(reamp) :D then fix the delay in the verb tracks or use it for predelay I use my PCM 90 all the time that way has the digital output so it makes it nice to do this techinique