RPM Challenge '09


New member
Hey everyone,

I'm just wondering if any of you have ever been in the RPM Challenge. It's pretty neat. The goal is to write and record an entire album during the month of February. When the month is over, you can submit your album for their global listening party.

I've tried for the past couple of years but life seems to keep getting in the way! Hopefully this year is different.

Anyway, here's the website: http://www.rpmchallenge.com/ :cool:

They have a pretty good community there. Lots of nice people.

Have a great day!
Thanks for the compliment!

Get an album done in a month!?

I've been trying to get a single studio-quality demo down since 1985 ... and still trying ... so I guess I'll pass! :D
Thanks for the tip. The last few years I've heard about it after the month was finished and kicked myself.

This time I'm in!