Rough mix of my first recording with my firepod


New member
My band recorded this live in a basement...4 mics on the drums (2 overheads, 1snare, 1 kick), Mic on the guitar, ran keys and bass direct. Besides the few performance flubs i just wanted to know what people thought of the mix even though its just kinda my very first run. I added a little compression on the drums and bass and did some panning but other than that its kinda as is. Its kinda of a long instrumental and the guitar doesnt really have much of a part yet so he just kinda futzes around. Its more of mood song than one of a ton of hooks and melody.

damn that was a long ass song. overall i'd say the sounds not bad at all. the snare seems kinda lost though, but it sounds cool being a bit in the background in a tune like this. but it wouldnt hurt for the snare to shine through a bit better. also sounds like the guitar maybe has some intonation issues toward the end of the song. good playing though. sounds like a kick ass jam.
Yeah maybe i should have just posted a clip. I agree about the snare. The mic we used didnt really capture a good snare sound. We had to do these recordings very quickly so we didnt have time play around with much mic placement. I am thinking next time we should mic the bottom of the snare as well as the top.
yeah well i mean the signal even though it was pretty hot sometimes didnt sound very present even when i boost that level a lot.
Sounded good. I liked how clearly I could hear exactly what each instrument was doing. Very nice.
sounded pretty damn good for a live recording...maybe try adding a little reverb to the bass...
thanks...i like the sound but it isnt quite there yet I feel like it still needs sone tweaking. I am gonna pump up the snare volume and maybe eq it a little. Also I like the idea of adding a little reverb to the bass. It doesn't quite sound natural enough for me.