Room Mic - Folk Recording


New member
My "practice room" which is really a 12'x10' office w/ (18') vaulted ceilings in my condo and I shove five of us in it to practice/record.

What I would like is to find a cost effective "room mic" that I can set up in the middle of the room when we are just practicing so in case we get any genius takes we'll have it to release as a "live" track or whatever.

We try and record every practice w/ the mic build into the iMac. Then I split the tracks and we put them on a private forum or share them via e-mail for at home practice.

Current rig:

24" iMac core2Duo, 4 GB ram
Presonus Firestudio Project
Rode NT-5 and four pretty good dynamic vocal mics
I would think any omni mic would fit your needs just fine. That is what we do. Gives plenty of good sound without having to waste time getting it set up for something were sound quality is second to capturing those little things that only seem to come about in a live jam, but you still want a clean recording.