Roland vs. Tascam

Jamie Jukosky

New member
I'm currently considering the three standalone studios the Roland VS 2000, Korg 16XD, or the Tascam 2488. I know the specs of each unit but I'm wondering about the companies. Has Roland been more reliable than tascam? Which ones have better user support? It seems to me as if the Roland and Korg units are more upgradeable (but also more expensive) Some day soon I'm going to go down and try out all three units. Let me know if you think any of these companies has done a better job making a name for themselves.
I'm a roland user, too....but I use a virtual mixer, not a standalone recorder. Regardless, i'm still pleased with Roland. Chalk up another for Roland.
The roland stuff is cool but not very file compatible. Korg is also cool...not much experiance with the new 32tk korg, but if you want a recorder that is very capable and compatible....go with the tascam 2488. 24 tracks of uncompressed audio with on board effects. coolest part is that when you interface via usb with your mac/pc the 2488 shows up as a removable drive. So now you can record all your tracks at your place or on the road and take that to any studio in the world and drag and drop wav files from your 2488 to ProTools, Digital Peformer, Cubase or whatever DAW you want. None of the other standalone HD recorders will do that. And that's from an ex-roland and ex-korg user.
That is excellent since I use Sonar to do editing most of the time anyway. Its too bad that the Tascam doesn't record more tracks at once with all those recordable tracks it would be great if you could record 10, 12, or 16 tracks at once. That'll probably come out next year.....although some of the more expensive units are doing it now.
Although you can't drag and drop wav files to a computer from the Roland, you can burn individual tracks to CDs as standard 24 bit wav files and take them to the computer that way.
Just plop them in right at the start of the song (the Roland adds blank space at the begining if the track doesn't start right away) and they sync right up.