Roland UA-100 any good or not?


New member
Hi all

As most of you may have experienced before, I am faced with the problem of what to buy and not to buy, when needing to expand / upgrade my current setup.

Given my current setup, I was wondering whether it would be better to buy the Roland UA-100, or to rather invest in another type of outboard DSP. Or should I just buy software plugins?

I managed to get myself hooked up with a DMAN 2044, which really is a pretty decent audio card. I still need a mixer though, to get a good signal into the card, and I'm thinking about a Berhinger 6 channel.

The advantage of the UA-100 however is that you will not need the mixer, since it got a decent mic preamp and a high impedance guitar input. It's DSP is apparently awesome with excellent guitar and vocal effects.

Its drawback is however that you can only record 2 channels mono or 1 channel stereo at a time, whilst my DMAN can record 4 at a time.

But I really, really want the DSP of the UA-100 though, and the fact that it is USB makes it even more portable, since you can plug it into your laptop. And as I said before, I will save money because I don't have to bother about buying the Berhinger.

But all that aside, wouldn't it still be a better proposition to buy decent outboard gear instead? I’m thinking quality wise as well as cost effective. Plugins are obviously nice, but the decent ones are expensive, and realtime is not always really realtime!

What about the possibility of using the USB as well as the DMAN at the same time, considering I have Cubase? Or is that just impossible.

Please help me, all you knowledgable folk out there.