Roland Space Echo is analog


New member
Hi. I have a Roland Space Echo model 150. Is there a way that i can hook it up or modify it to hear just the wet signal (echos) and not the original signal? Basically i want to hear my voice in one ear of the headphones dry and in the other ear i want to hear the delay (but without the dry signal). The dry/wet knob still contains too much dry signal even when its maxed out. Does the machine need to be modded? I hope someone can help because i bought this thing for about 500 bucks just to make it do this one thing i cant make it do! Thanks for any help.
planetorange said:
Hi. I have a Roland Space Echo model 150. Is there a way that i can hook it up or modify it to hear just the wet signal (echos) and not the original signal? Basically i want to hear my voice in one ear of the headphones dry and in the other ear i want to hear the delay (but without the dry signal). The dry/wet knob still contains too much dry signal even when its maxed out. Does the machine need to be modded? I hope someone can help because i bought this thing for about 500 bucks just to make it do this one thing i cant make it do! Thanks for any help.

How are you feeding the signal? Directly in with a mike? The only thing I can suggest is to try a more powerful signal into it or feeding it from a mixer. Like in an effects loop. Unless that's how your already using it.
Space Echo

Yep thats the one i have. I bought this one because i didnt care if i had the spring reverb on the 201. Plus i got it from a guy who was the original owner and it was in guaranteed great condition. It sounds great. I had a line 6 delay modeler with this modeled on it and it worked really well and it was a convincing model of analog, until you hear the real thing. The echos sound better than the actual input signal. Thats why i want to be able to kill the dry and just set the thing to instantly repeat, with just a single repeat so that im basically hearing only what it sounds like after its recorded and no dry signal. I have some mellotron samples (i hate not having the real thing) and id like to run them through this before recording them. All im doing when i hook it up is go in through one of the inputs, then out of the output. But the dry signal is still present even when you set it 100 percent wet. There is only one jack on it that says "from PA" but i dont know if that is what im looking for in trying to make this work. Thats why i was wondering if anyone else knew how its done. I cant be the first person to want to kill the dry signal on one of these. I emailed the guy from to see if he knows about a mod or anything but i havent heard back yet.