Roland Boss dr 880 Drum midi question/advice


New member
Hello good people could someone please advise me

I have a Boss 880 drum machine and I would like to be able to control the bass sounds built in to the 880 seperate from the Drum sounds that is to say

Use from my sequencer say midi ch 2 just for the bass, I have a Korg Triton which has seperate timbres and would like to be able to link out and connect to the 880 and play the bass part seperate from the drum sounds on the 880

The Boss 880 has built in bass patterns which a very dificult to program so to be able to use and external device to control the bass seperate from the drums would be ideal

can anyone help/advise me the best way of undertaking my request thats is if it can be done that is.

thankyou all

:DYo Paul:

I have the Boss 880 and I don't think you can program the bass line; the bass line can be turned off and you can add your own bass line from your Korg.

You can also change the key of the bass line built into each patch; however, I'm not aware that you can program a bass line.

You can, however, have a bass player plug into the Boss 880 and do a bass line.

I really have fun jamming with some of the Funk patches; some of the meters are really tricky and you have to "pay attention" when laying down the set-up tracks of drums/keys/bass or adding your own bass.
[I am speaking of overdubbing.]

There is no output for just "bass" as far as I know.

Green Hornet:rolleyes:
Thanks GH

I think I put my request in wrong

I would like to use my Korg Triton to be able via Midi play the onboard Bass which is in the dr 880 has

that is tio say set up a midi channel on the Triton onboard sequencer and make the dr 880 play it. (hope Im making sence):confused:

I know that the dr 880 has its own designated midi channels but I cant seem to get a way of controling it from the Korg.

must admit great drum machine for the money I am trying to master it (like you perhaps) but as you know the manul is as much use as an ashtry on a motorcycle.

stay good

:DYo Paul:

I got your drift. I don't know if you can "trigger" the 880 on your Korg or not. :eek:

Maybe the Roland folks can give you a better answer? Since I do my tracks by overdubbing, I don't use the sequencer on my Motif--I just use the patches. Tons of stuff to learn on either the Korg or Motif.

Someone will give you clear response for sure.

Green Hornet:cool:
:cool:Yo Paul:

Did I mention that you can change the "key" of any patch on the 880, as well as volume levels? It's a very good drum box.

Green Hornet:cool: