Rode Vs...........


New member
I only own one Rode mic (NT4), but by the way everyone talks in here the NTK seems to be da bomb! I'm always on the hunt for a good condenser mic. I own an AKG Solidtube and a AT4050 and both are great mics in my opinion, but I always like to keep my options open. I'm not yet to the point where I could afford a u87 (however if I could spend that much on a mic without flinching I think I would rather buy a u67 and flinch!).

Are they worth the green? Also, in what applications do they really stand out?
charliedango said:
Are they worth the green? Also, in what applications do they really stand out?

Yes, and they stand out on vocals, acc guitar, and guitar amp. Particularly good for voices that need help cutting through a busy mix (has a pleasant sheen to it for lack of a better term), and very warm-sounding on acc guitar.
If you are shopping..listen to the AT 4060 {tube}..

I missed an opportunity to get an AT4060 for $800 because I had already bought a Solidtube on ebay. I've read some mixed reviews comparing the AT4060, Solidtube and M149. The review stated that each mic had it's own subtle characteristics, but the 4060 stood out above the others (the reviewer stated that the Solidtube and M149 were very similar).
charliedango said:
I've read some mixed reviews comparing the AT4060, Solidtube and M149. The review stated that each mic had it's own subtle characteristics, but the 4060 stood out above the others (the reviewer stated that the Solidtube and M149 were very similar).

Could you tell us where you read that, or at least who wrote that review? That is certainly very strange...

The M149 bears about as much resemblence to a Solidtube (in design, features, sound, or anything else) as a filet mignon does to a whopper. Anyone who could find any similarities between those two microphones is someone that I would want to be forewarned about so I could completely disregard their comments in the future. (Are you sure they weren't looking at the M147?)
I forgot to add that the reviewer stated the the similarities between the two were their characteristics. Darker, less edgier sound than an 87. Oh, and yes it was an M149. I'm not sure if you are thinking of the M49 or not, the M149 is the reissue that isn't nearly as good as the original. Alas, I'm not in a position to spend over $6000 on a tube mic and I'm not too fond of the new Neumanns.

I haven't had any luck finding the review were I read that (found it while skimming the net at work), but I did find a review of the Solidtube in which the reviewer tested both the Solidtube and M149 together on a female voice.
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Is the NTK worth the green? No, they're worth twice the green. This is a mic you can put up in front of an acoustic guitar/vocalist, hit record, and play back beautifull, thick, articulate, lush, warm music, without touching anything. Maybe I'm just easily impressed, but how you get one $500 mic to be all of that is beyond me. I love this mic.
Right on Robert. I can do the same with my Rode classic II which is similar but with a heap more control. And I have to agree with chessrock. These Rode valve mics are great for vocals in heavy rock bands. Particularly if you have a soft wispering voice in a loud mix. All the tone gets through.

Scott Tansley
I second reports on NTK being worth every penny and more. I can't comment on older Neumanns or their tube mics (in my dreams), but I did audition the new Neumann U87ai and was fairly unimpressed. I bought a B.L.U.E. KIWI and never looked back. I would seriously look at the B.L.U.E. mics if I were you. Dragonfly is a great mid-priced vocal and cab option. Babybottle is a great cheap workhorse and instrument mic (use wherever you would use an AKG 414). KIWI is what the new U87 claims to be. I haven't heard Cactus, but the local GC is getting one within the month, and from what I've heard from the rest of the B.L.U.E. line, I'm betting it is one badass tube mic. In the end, I settled on KIWI and NTK as my main vocal mics.-Richie