Rode NTK Mods?


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Just wondering if anyone has modified an NTK. I did a search and didn't come up with anything. Any thoughts?
I've yet to see a <$500 mic (and often times higher) that couldn't benefit from upgrading the capacitors in the signal path. Replacing poor to mediocre capacitors with high quality ones does to your sound what cleaning your dirty glasses does to your vision.
Yeah, it sounds great stock...I'm just wondering if it can sound better. Flatpicker, I don't know anything about capacitors...except maybe the flux capacitor...but that probably won't help in this case.

What kind of capacitors? Is this easy to do? How much do capacitors cost?

Thanks for the info
EleKtriKaz said:
What kind of capacitors? Is this easy to do? How much do capacitors cost?
Simply put, capacitors are used to couple one part of an amplifying circuit to another because they block DC and pass AC. In an amplifier, whether it be a mic head amp, preamp, or power amp, you have a DC voltage, which powers the thing and an AC voltage which is the signal you are amplifying. When the signal passes from one stage to the next, the capacitor keeps the DC on the previous stage from entering the following stage with the signal (this would screw up the amp real bad).

Think of it like this – If DC was the water in a river and the signal was a boat, a capacitor would be kind of like a dam with a lock that lets the boat go from the higher water to the lower water with out harm. Notice I said “without harm”. If the lock were poorly constructed the water might run out too fast, or it might be too narrow or something – all of which could damage or “distort” the boat.

Caps work like this too. Some types pass signals with less distortion than others. By distortion, I don’t mean the kind you hear from an electric guitar. I simply mean the signal isn’t exactly like it was before it went through the cap. We might hear this as a smearing of the highs, or maybe a less “clear” sound. By replacing these caps with better ones, the signal can come out the other side like it went in..

Most low priced condensers skimp on the quality of these components. The cost difference is only a few bucks, but the sound improvement is tremendous! But, if you spend $5 in Chinese parts it equates to about $100 in retail price (about 20X), so that’s why they don’t do it.

The trick to replacing caps is knowing which ones to change and to have enough experience so that you don’t rip traces off your circuit board in the process. It’s not all that hard, but then again I know some inexperienced folks who have ruined good boards, so it’s best to practice your soldering skills on an old radio or something first and get good at removing parts with a solder sucker and solder wick.

A schematic would be best, but if you could post some close-up pics of the Rode’s insides, someone might be able to tell you which ones to change.
I did a Google search for "Rode NTV mods" and came up with a guy that was replacing caps in NTK's.

He is also replacing the Jenson transformers in NTV's with a custom-wound transformer of his own design, which doesn't seem like a very good idea to me.
riley357 said:
I did a Google search for "Rode NTV mods" and came up with a guy that was replacing caps in NTK's.

He is also replacing the Jenson transformers in NTV's with a custom-wound transformer of his own design, which doesn't seem like a very good idea to me.

OK, I did the Google search and I think this is the article you spoke of. You have to pan down the page to RODE. Since the NTK has no transformer he didn't change that on the NTK. From what I read, he says the RODE mics are pretty much "state of the art" as they come from the factory. He said he got the most change by changing the tube, however this mainly reduced some "compression" he was hearing, which you may or may not like.

Blessings, Terry
Yeah, that's the guy. Did you look at those preamp kits? For $600 I think the guy could do a lot better than a fucking breadboard.
I haven't seen a "naked" NTK yet, but I've examined the newer NT2000 and K2 models. I don't suppose there's anything in there that should be upgraded. The NT2000 (solid state) has SMD electronics. So it would be very difficult to mod anything. Fortunately, the electronics look high qualiy; actually very impressive. There's film capacitors, btw. The K2 looks very solid, too. The elctronics are much simpler, but just as clean. To my eye, Rode's electronics are as good as it gets these days.
Just out of interest...does anyone out there own an NTK and a K2? Have you compared the circuits? From what I can see they are very similar. I'm interested in finding out how exactly they differ.
They are not the same, first of all different capsules. There is significant differences in the circuit based on the variable patterns and other features not found on the NTK.

Do they sound the same? I don't know, but I will in a few weeks!

I was searching for NTK's schematic and found a hand drawn one at

DIY Factory

This guy's mod was all about replacing caps. What I am interested in is modifying circuitry to eliminate the two humps at 5 and 12 khz that are responsible for NTK's glare many people are unhappy about.

Any of DIY gurus to look at the diagram and tell which circuit might be in charge for high frequency boost?
the chart has more to do with capsule and the capsule grill interaction than circuit design or cap changes.

There is more to what I did then what I gave away: however the capsule/grill EQ is still there.

Now I have a modded nt1000 and a modded K2 the NT1000 sounds better at a distance( I think it is the same capsule as the NTK) The K2 seems to have a different "tuning" with its capsule it also has a different grill. I like my K2 it sounded OK stock I am not a fan of the 6dj8 in standard microphones so a different tube is installed in mine and a few caps changes.