Rode NT1


New member
I bought a NT1 about a year ago, and its started to make wind noises when I record.. when i say make i dont mean its producing the sound, it just records the sound like its present in the room. which it isnt. is this a common fault? its the only condensor I own so I dont really know much about this kind of stuff. is there any way I can fix it?
Redshoes said:
I bought a NT1 about a year ago, and its started to make wind noises when I record.. when i say make i dont mean its producing the sound, it just records the sound like its present in the room. which it isnt. is this a common fault? its the only condensor I own so I dont really know much about this kind of stuff. is there any way I can fix it?

I've had one for about 5 years and never encountered this problem. The capsule may have gotten wet or dirty. Try placing it in a sealed container with a dessicant packet for a few days. If that doesn't help, it may need to be serviced.

Also, are you certain the noise is coming from the mic and not somewhere else in your chain? What is your room like? It might just be "white noise" from the environment. It's a fairly sensitive mic.
scrubs said:
I bought a NT1 about a year ago, and its started to make wind noises when I record.. when i say make i dont mean its producing the sound, it just records the sound like its present in the room. which it isnt. is this a common fault? its the only condensor I own so I dont really know much about this kind of stuff. is there any way I can fix it?


Knowing south wales it's wet, damp or condensation is the culprit ;) . If you don't have any dessicant try drying it out under a lightbulb for a few hours.

There are plenty of sources for silica gel on ebay but you should preferably get one that you can stick in the oven to 'recharge' - should be able to get one in any place that sells guns or more nerdily in any place that sells collectible coins or stamps.

You must be careful about allowing people to get upclose and personal with your mic, aside from the spit problem you have to think about condensation.

Now if all that fails it sounds like a capacitor problem, contact rode about repair if they are asking more than the mic is worth pm me and I can make suggestions.

Regarding drying your mic,"light+bulb"+drying"light+bulb"+drying"light+bulb"+drying"light+bulb"+drying
its definitely not coming from the chain... my room is a garage... ive done quita bit of work on it... its not soundproofed but im sure the mic isnt picking up anything from outside
Redshoes said:
its definitely not coming from the chain... my room is a garage... ive done quita bit of work on it... its not soundproofed but im sure the mic isnt picking up anything from outside
If you've tried plugging other mics into same audio chain without any problems... it's most likely the NT1... anyway, I see you're already in good hands here... so I'll just wish you the best. :) Don
If it's moisture (which it sounds like it is), after you dry out the mic, always keep it inside a glass jar with silica gel packets when not in use. This keeps the mic dry, and impresses friends who will think you are taking out a million dollar piece of kit from inside the glass. Seriously, it works.
cheers very much guys.... I ended up sticking it in the oven, it seems to be functioning properly again. now im gunna search for a glass jar. :)
Redshoes said:
cheers very much guys.... I ended up sticking it in the oven, it seems to be functioning properly again. now im gunna search for a glass jar. :)
FYI... diaphragms don't like drastic temperature changes... so try not to use the oven or a light bulb if you can avoid it... a glass jar or plastic zip lock type bag with silica gel packs in it is the best way to go. ;)