Rode K2 + "low-end teory" preamp - ASAP


New member
Hi guys!

I need 1-channel preamp for my RODE K2 to record vocals (hip-hop). My budget at the moment is 550$ .. I wish i could get more money and buy UA 610 but that wont happen until next year, and I'm really getting paranoid, because i need to open new studio in my neighborhood in November and start producing.. :o

My equipment is:
Audio interface: M-Audio 24/96.
Microphone: RODE K2
Monitors: Alesis M1 Active 520 + Yamaha HS80m
Compressor: FMR RNC (Really Nice Compressor :p )
Mixer: YAMAHA MG 166CX

What mic pre will work best with K2 and my studio equipment? Thanks !!! :D
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Baster (my new favorite username -- how is it pronounced?):
I can't tell you anything from experience, but if you read this board, you'll get the impression that you should check out a RNP to go with your RNC.
Baster (my new favorite username -- how is it pronounced?):
Hehe, thanks. I don't know because English isn't my main language, but its like saying "Buster" but instead of "u" its "a" - Ba/ster... :rolleyes:
I can't tell you anything from experience, but if you read this board, you'll get the impression that you should check out a RNP to go with your RNC.
Really nice... preamp, yea sure its very nice (also nice reviews) :p But I think stores in my little country (Serbia...) don't have it and they will get it next year so... :mad:

What about ART MPA Gold ? Some guy told me that it doesn't have digital outputs which I need to buy "them"... or can I just plug-in cables into preamp and then into my m-audio 24/96 and start recording?
Also do I really need tube preamp since I have tube microphone... ?
What about combination: ART MPA GOLD + RODE NT2-A ?

Whooh, sweet "problems"... I'm really lost, please help. :) Thanks.
Is the 'a' pronounced like the 'a' in "apple" or the 'a' in hay? My grandmother had a Jack Russell Terrier named buster, and I used to call him baster with the 'a' as in apple. No dog comparisons intended here :o, just, that's my experience with the kickass username :D

I'm not familiar with the maudio 24/96 -- is it like this?

I've got an ART Digital MPA (which is basically a MPA Gold with A/D conversion), and I love it -- I had to replace the tubes (but I imagine you can find tubes around where you are?). But I hesitate to say that you could make either it or the MPA Gold work with what you have until I'm sure what it is.
wait, wait, wait... you're making hip-hop in Serbia???? Is that even legal there?

Anyway, why not the FMR RNP? You already have the RNC, the RNP falls within your price range and they play nice together in the Funklogic tray.

The humbucker link below.

and, if I'm not mistaken, he's referring to the audiophile 24/96 which is wicked old technology but proven effective.

All you'd need to feed from the preamps into the soundcard are 1/4" to rca cables. I did it for several years without problems.
wait, wait, wait... you're making hip-hop in Serbia???? Is that even legal there?
Yes It is legal... I don't see reason why it shouldn't be?

Anyway, why not the FMR RNP? You already have the RNC, the RNP falls within your price range and they play nice together in the Funklogic tray.
As i said, RNP will arrive next year in stores... But I'll ask on Serbian forums to see if somebody have any for sale...

and, if I'm not mistaken, he's referring to the audiophile 24/96[/URL] which is wicked old technology but proven effective.

Yep thats it, Audiophile 24/96 PCI audio interface.
Any of these will work just fine.

Grace 101
True P-Solo
ART Pro Channel
Meek 6Q
Toft EC1
Rane MS1B
GT Brick
Presonus Eureka
Focusrite Twin Trak
M-Audio DMP3

And there are others...