Rode Classic II vs Neumann U87ai


New member
Hello good people,
I'm about to get new microphone for my studio and i come up with this two mics;
Rode Classic and Neumann u87ai
I know that Neumann is most recognized mic, world classic n stuff, and all that but what i really want to know; WHO GIVES BETTER SOUND QUALITY ?
I'm Hip Hop producer/artist and im looking for good mic that can give hard "in your face" vocals, like 2pac had (he recorded with u87 also trough Focusrite preamp which is the same gear i will have :) )
But u87 is old mic so I was wondering can i get better mic for same amount of money or even less... I have 2100 euros for mic which is around 2700$ usd...

Recommend mics but please note that i cant find some mics made by companies Geffel, Blue Microphones, etc... Only Rodes, Neumanns, AKGs, Se Electronics...

Preamp is Focusrite ISA 220 with digital outputs card
Quality of recorded vocals? That very much depends on the talent of the vocalist, and of course the talent of the recording engineer with regards to mic placement, session set-up, and also how the room sounds. A lot of factors involved.

Who is better? You mean as a company/brand? Not sure about that one. I think Neumann is older, although being German may have a dodgy war record.
Quality of recorded vocals? That very much depends on the talent of the vocalist, and of course the talent of the recording engineer with regards to mic placement, session set-up, and also how the room sounds. A lot of factors involved.

Who is better? You mean as a company/brand? Not sure about that one. I think Neumann is older, although being German may have a dodgy war record.

Vocal room is acoustically treated well, so no worries about anything expect spending money on good quility mic that will be in studio without any problems for at last 10 years :)
...have you tried a Shure SM7B?...only a fraction of the cost of those mentioned, yet more "in your face" bang-for-the-buck than the others...many classic R&B, Hiphop and Rock/Pop records were recorded with the SM7 (including Michael Jackson's "Beat It")...just be sure your mic pre has ample gain (65+dB)...;)
...have you tried a Shure SM7B?...only a fraction of the cost of those mentioned, yet more "in your face" bang-for-the-buck than the others...many classic R&B, Hiphop and Rock/Pop records were recorded with the SM7 (including Michael Jackson's "Beat It")...just be sure your mic pre has ample gain (65+dB)...;)

That plus a Peluso VTB (which is modelled after the Sony C800G-- a much more expensive mic which is often used for R&B/Hip Hop) will probably cost you significantly less than a U87ai. The Rode Classic II's are probably available a lot cheaper. I have a friend who owns a Classic II and also a couple of older U87's (not U87ai's). He really likes the Classic II, but still uses the vintage U87's pretty much all the time for vocals-- but that's for rock and singer-songwriter types of music.
That plus a Peluso VTB (which is modelled after the Sony C800G-- a much more expensive mic which is often used for R&B/Hip Hop) will probably cost you significantly less than a U87ai. The Rode Classic II's are probably available a lot cheaper. I have a friend who owns a Classic II and also a couple of older U87's (not U87ai's). He really likes the Classic II, but still uses the vintage U87's pretty much all the time for vocals-- but that's for rock and singer-songwriter types of music.

There's a reason that the vintage U87's show up on so many recordings, that said, the rest of your chain may depend on the route you should travel
Don't laugh but...

Give the SM57 a try, as they tend to sound particulary good on "spoken word" style vocals.

I personally prefer it over the '58 as it has a bit more high end response.


P.S. Also put the Beyer M88 on your shortlist, BTW the M69 is similar without as much low end.