
what's up,

Vocals are getting lost in the mix
That string scrape around 2:39 was a little much.
I really liked the dynamic arrangment and the sonic swells!
Nice voice and the git tones seem to fit for the tune.

Nice job. The song has a definitive mood.

Good recording,

Listened to Shipping and Handling. I had real trouble hearing the vocals. They were a bit back in the mix. But even accounting for that, I just had trouble understanding anything that was being sung. I can't figure out if it was the effects being used or just the singer. Could also be some EQing issues. I know the guitars dominate the song a bit too much.

I think it could be a decent song if some of those things were fixed. It definitely has a lot of energy to it.
Yeah I was having trouble controlling the vox during this mix. There are 3 different tracks of vox to confuse me. The reverb on them is the cathederal from the mix wiz. I thought it sounded okay, but now I'm playing with some plate reverbs from my behringer virtualizer, I think it may sound better. Thanks very much for the comments. Any more? Hows are the drums? They were my main worry.
In case anyone is interested I used the RNC on vocals. Approx. 10:1 ration, fastest attack, release was in the middle, and I was reducing the gain by more than 10db. I think it may have added a little character as it was not in the super nice mode. How are them drums? Thanks
Pretty interesting thrash. I agree with the above about vocals, they're kind of buried. Good energy, though, and not a bad rough mix. As for drums, maybe a little more high end and a touch of reverb on the snare would help.
Good job, keep it up!
