

New member
Hi. =) I don`t post here often. But I figured why don`t give it a try allthough Im not on the same level as folks here I guess. I mean my recordings aren`t that great, like I use only one mic for recording drums as I dont have more mics etc... on this recording I dont even have cymbals.
Well, the talent is undoubtedly there...and considering the sole mic on the drums, it's not bad. The song is pretty good although maybe a bit too long for a pop tune. But the performance is pretty good. Just keep going at it and you'll see that it'll get better.;)

Joey :)
Thank you very much! :)

Im a bit rusty in my voice cuz Ive got the cold.. and a pop song should be around 3:30 I guess, so yeah, I have to find some places to cut out. Maybe I`ll post it if I get it a lot better. Im waiting for some cymbals (I bought some custom A cymbs on ebay) and also there will be some guitar tracks a friend of mine will record.

Correction: I use an NTK mic for kick and snare, but I recorded them seperately, also there is a shure beta green laying in the kick but I didnt count it as it really doesnt make the difference.