

New member

Hi! I really would like to hear what you think about the song (update) ? Keep in mind that the drums are recorded only with a single rode NTK mic. (there is a beta green inside the kick but it could just as well been muted)

I haven`t got my hands on anymore mics yet.

PS: Do you get anything out of the lyric? Or is it difficult to hear?
Drums don't sound too bad to me. I suppose I can't really hear the kick, but the snare and ride sound fine.

I like what you're doing with the octave harmonies, but the higher voice sounds like you're really straining to hit some of those notes.

Overall, it's pretty good. I enjoyed it a lot more than the jazzy drums made me expect.
Yep, the drums are a bit too loud. Vocals might need more compressing, not sure with current drum level. Maybe the organ could be panned more to the right to balance the piano (which also could be closer to center). Kick is quite inaudible but it wouldn't be to hard to add a sampled kick. But I liked the song.
Thank you for comments. =) Good to hear that someone enjoyed it!

I`m a bit dissapointed about my singing these days, so I guess I just need a lot of vocal practise to get where it should be.

Anyway, I recorded the drums once more with the mic closer to the kick. I skipped the jazzy guitar thing. Tried to make a new vocal track, after warm up, but I must admit the vocals still ain`t getting anywhere. Just skipped the organ.. not so shure about the piano, but it`s in stereo and a bit to the right.. (alicia keys piano btw)

PS: To be honest I think it all sounds a bit noisy and messy.. things worked better when using BFD drums. Im new to recording drums etc.. but it`s a start never the less.
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