RNC settings for recording Bass direct


New member
Some of you have charted this path before me, that the RNC's fast release distorts the lows when recording bass direct...I was wondering if anyone had found a/some setting somewhere between distortion and pumping, which is all I seem to get..

Thanks Bruthus

PS I know the first answer is "it depends"
Yo Mox: [You don't make that soft drink that is so famous in Maine do you?]

See, the first answer is NOT, "it depends."

My suggestions since I also use the RNC is to follow "their" suggestion.

Put all the dials straight up and push the super nice button. See what you get. You can make adjustments if needed.

You can raise the gain a bit on the far right dial.

Happy Easter
Green Hornet:D :p :cool:
Have you ever tried that stuff? Holy crap `dat's some bad soda!

Thanks, who would have ever thought of reading the directions....I just love twisten dem knobs!!!!!!!! I'll try it tonight, I guess I'm used to crappy compressors and you have to jack `em to get any thing out of them...

Tell Kato I said hello
Yo Mox:

Thanks for the update on that Moxie Soda -- I won't go out of my way to buy any after your report.

The RNC is one of the best pieces of gear considering the money. Yeah, verily, you can pay bigtime for a compressor; but I think you'll enjoy the results with the RNC.

Kato? I have a full time job keeping him out of my liquor cabinet.

Green Hornet:p :p :p :D
The RNC does suck on bass. The best results I've gotten are usually with the Really Nice mode on and the attack and release around 12'oclock. If you're lucky you can get around 8db of compression without it distorting.