RNC Dilemma


New member
I'm searching for an outboard compressor for nothing other than voiceover work. The RNC is highly rated and would be an easy choice except for the fact a gate is necessary. Should I get the RNC and use either a plug in for noise reduction, acquire an external gate or just get something like the Behringer Composer or DBX 266?
I just purchased the RNC yesterday and also own
the Behringer Composer, and AutoCom comps. My Behringers
does a decent job at gating and limiting and at the low
price of $80.00 each I couldn't go wrong. I have heard rave
reviews of the RNC and got it for $170 which I will perform an unofficial comparison vs my Behringers this weekend. My advice is if you can afford a Behringer Composer(prob'ly now around $70.00) and an RNC, get both! If not go with the RNC.
Just my 2cents!