rnc and rnp, using compression when tracking


New member
Im thinking of getting this team to use on snare/kick or overhead duties.

I have a few questions on compression when tracking. ive read a few times that you shouldnt compress or eq when youre tracking. But, what about these channel strips like the m audio tampa or a team like the rnp and rnc?

Also, when thinking about this, it seems like you wouldnt want to compress before you gate. For example, if you compress and theres unwanted noise on tape, its just making it louder isnt it?

Correct me on any statements I made and add any other comments that might help explain this to me.

Thanks a bunch.
gitrokr said:
Also, when thinking about this, it seems like you wouldnt want to compress before you gate. For example, if you compress and theres unwanted noise on tape, its just making it louder isnt it?

yes and yes.

gate comes before compressor. but the gate will typically open before the compression kicks in. the compressor makes things quieter (more even). then you boost the output volume, which is going to raise the noise either way. unless the gate is closed. then you wont hear anything. and i think the rnc might automatically set the makeup gain.