
New member
Hi everyone,

I have a question. I have Cubase and I always used a Tascam US122 soundcard for recording. Also for my cd's. It's time to buy a new soundcard and I want one that has good preamps and converters so that they I can record instruments and vocals with my Neumann mics. Tascam was really pleasent with cubase. It never let me down. You plug it in and it works. I was thinking of buying the Tascam US800 or US200.

Now of course I hear that the RME preamps and concerters are really good. Also of the babyface. So I was thinking to buy the RME BF. However I read a lot of stories that there are bugs, that it doesn't work well in Cubase, that it has noise and pops. And also that it doesn't have any buttons like direct monitoring and volume control ( which I find unpractical )

So I really don't want to end up fighting with the babyface and adventually return it to the store.

My question is.... How much difference is there between the preamps and converters of a new TASCAM soundcard or RME soundcard. I record commercially but don't want to buy RME if the difference is really small.

I'm talking about the imputs ( preamps and convertors ). I don't mind about the ouputs, I only need it for recording classical instruments and vocals.

I hope someone can help because I really don't know what to choose.

IMO RME is very very good. But more and more I ask myself if the pricier gear is THAT much better then less prestigious offerings. I'm using a Sound Devices USBPre 2, but I'm giving serious thought to selling it in favor of Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 when it becomes available. I'll A/B 'em before I decide but from the way people are praising the current crop of Focusrite gear I'm reasonably certain I'll not hear any difference.

One of the 'problems' with the Babyface (and Apogee Duet) is that it/they uses/use pigtail(s) and software switches. I've had my fill of dealing with pigtails and critical settings only being available via software but YMMV.