RME Digi9636 & Behringer ADA8000 problem


New member
I set up my gear (Computer with Cubase SX, RME Digi9636 sound card and Behringer ADA8000 converter) for the first time today and suddenly encountered a problem.
I can only record 2 channels at a time (ADA8000 channels 1 and 2, or 3 and 4, or 5 and 6, or 7 and 8) when I should be able to record 8 tracks at a time.
When I have 2 mics plugged to ADA8000 and try to record it to 2 separate tracks, it goes to one track and just doubles the same thing to the second track.

Plugging more than 2 mics is just impossible, because I can select just one pair of ADA8000 to be used at a time.

Pic1: http://personal.inet.fi/musiikki/tommi.aho/muuta/kuva1.JPG
Pic2: http://personal.inet.fi/musiikki/tommi.aho/muuta/kuva2.JPG

Hard to explain the whole thing in english, but hopefully someone can help.
You will probably get a better, faster answer if you post this question in the 'Computer Recording and Soundcards' forum.
In the fist pic I noticed that it looks as though you have the ADAT 1 port assigned as a SPDIF input, that right there would be my guess as to the cause of your problem, if I'm not mistaken SPDIF is always a 2 channel (L/R) I/O setup, you could try setting the SPDIF to one of the other options because you're using the ADAT 1 port for the ADA 8000.

If it were my setup, I would also set the RME clock as the master and set the ADA8000 to slave from the RME's ADAT output, so that the Behringer's clock isn't the master timekeeper for the digital sync. Using a wordclock connection for this could also be possible if the RME has a wordclock output.

Hopefully that will get you up and running.

How many ADA-8000's are in your setup? It looks as though you have 2 of them hooked up.

In order for the ADA-8000's to slave to the RME's clock, each one needs to have the ADAT output from the RME hooked up to it's ADAT input, there is a switch on the back of the ADA-8000 that sets it's master/slave mode, and there is a small light on the front of it that says "Locked", this will light up green when it locks to a valid signal from the RME.

Good Luck!

I can plug 2 ADA8000s to Digi9636 (it has 2x ADAT), but I have only 1 ADA8000 so far.
Leaving RME's ADAT2 input(s) without connection isn't a problem...?
Incarnation said:
I can plug 2 ADA8000s to Digi9636 (it has 2x ADAT), but I have only 1 ADA8000 so far.
Leaving RME's ADAT2 input(s) without connection isn't a problem...?

No problem, I only mentioned it because in the pics you posted it looks as though there are two of them hooked up in the devices list.

By the way, has anybody any clue how I'm able to control RME's audio volume?
Yesterday volume was WAAAAAY too loud and I couldn't figure out where volume control was.
This problem makes me mad because I couldn't fix it.


1. Tried all selections in this box, nothing seemed to work
2. I didn't select anything
3. Wtf is this?
4. If I select this thing, everything goes silent.
5. Selecting SPDIF IN didn't do anything.


1. I've used ASIO Input or MME Record
2. Tried In ADAT1 (1+2) and In SPDIF and it was the same old thing. Only 2 channels go in (both into one Cubase track).


Everything should be fine in ASIO driver settings.

ADA8000 is switched to SLAVE (ADAT in) -mode and green led is on.

What about those SPDIF and Wordclock connections?
ADA8000 hasn't got SPDIF connection and Dgi9636 hasn't got Wordclock connection.

1) You are not connecting any kind of SPDIF device to the RME card, so set the SPDIF input to be "coaxial" and you're done with that part.
(The reason it is offered as an ADAT port option is because "some" SPDIF devices use a lightpipe [ADAT type of cable/connector] connection to transfer 2 channels of SPDIF, this is also sometimes called "TOSLINK"), anyway, you are not using any kind of SPDIF connection at all with your setup. so again, set it for "coaxial" and forget about it.

2) You are not using the SPDIF outputs so selecting nothing should be fine.

3) Time Code is probably SMPTE/Sync related, don't worry about it.

4) Then don't select that.

5) I would set that to ADAT 1, but if you set the box above it to "Master", does this selection grey out?

The clock mode box on the RME's control panel should be set to "Master".

You are slaving/syncing the ADA-8000 to the RME card by way of the ADAT connections, so you don't need to use a wordclock connection, besides, with that RME card you would need to buy an add on card to even have a wordclock connection, so don't worry about it.

That RME card doesn't have the TotalMix software monitor mixer built in, so I would guess that it has NO volume controls at all. If you're using powered monitors they should have a volume control, otherwise, a small mixer or some other kind of hardware based volume control placed in between the ADA-8000's outputs and your monitor setup would be required.

I don't know how to select/enable input drivers in Cubase, I don't have that program, but it seems to me that your problem might be in there.
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