Rice Krispies during playback.....Any help appreciated.


New member
:( I've recently purchased the Delta 66 Audio Interface and I'm having Problems with Rice Krispies during Playback.Audio Sounds good going in, but after recording my guitar in Sonar 3, during playback (pops and crackles). I'm running through RP 2000 Amp modeler, Peavey Unity 1000 Analog Mixer,Through the Delta 1,2 in-1,2 out, back through the mixer tape inputs, out the tape outputs, through a RCA home stereo system. My PC is Dell p4 2.8 Ghz. 80 Gig HD., and 256 MB Ram. I've tryed adjusting Buffer settings in Sonar and Delta's control Panel from 32 all the way to 1024 with ASIO drivers. I also have downloaded the latest drivers from M-Audio. Same thing with WDM drivers.Now I also have A Soundblaster 5.1 card, and have disabled the drivers for it. I am also using dual monitors with onboard graphics card and another video card in the PCI slot next to the Delta.As far as I can tell, there is no conflict between the two, and they are not sharing IRQ. I have Optimized my system for audio......Sorry so long,just want to give the most information possible. Anybody got any Ideas? I can't even lay down one track.I really appreciate anyones knowledge concerning this, and I will be glad to help in this forum anytime. I am new to this recording thing, and am fairly new to PC's in general......I'm having quite a tough time. This is my first posting......Thanks much.
:D Yo G-String:

Just a "test" suggestion: with your gear on but not playing, grab each cable/connective line, including monitors, ONE AT A TIME and gently wiggle the line close to the connection.

If any pops/crackles or Wheaties happen, could be the cable or the connection.

Something is feeding the cereal sounds.

Good luck.

Green Hornet ;) :cool: :D
I hate to say it .... but it's prolly that PCI video card.
I know your diggin the dual monitor setup, but I bet it's suckin up bandwidth of the PCI bus. Chokin the Delta 66.
Also, if you aren't using the SB Live .... pull it out of the system.

What I would do ..... Nix the SB Live and the PCI video card. Disable the onboard video (hopefully there's an option to do so in the BIOS or a jumper on the mobo). However, if your Dell doesn't offer an AGP slot .... your stuck with the onboard video. If it does offer an AGP slot, I would pick up a Matrox G550 Dual-head video card for your dual monitor setup.
I'd also stick a second hard drive in there for all the audio data.


What you could try ...... Decrease the PCI latency of your graphics adapters (video cards) with DoubleDawg.
Follow through the links on the left of that page.

Might just do the trick for you, but think about "what I would do".


gstring ...if you can do this try having the sound card as the only
card occupying a pci slot. search under my name for more tips posted in past year.

well It looks like I am going to have to go inside the computer anyway, because when I got my E-Mail account yesterday-about 11 pm eastern time, The whole thing went to hell. programs not running, prompting me to Reinstall, Etc...Winamp wont even play through the soundblasters drivers.I've tried reinstalling software, but...nothing. I will definitely try the dual head video card, just to keep a PCI slot clear if nothing else.I think I might try putting the soundblaster in another slot first, though? I really like it for surround when playing CDs, MP3s. Thank you very much. Is patience really A virtue? To be or not to be, either way it drives me nuts! You folks are great.
Hey guess what? UPS just dropped off another Delta 66. I only bought one. It came in last week. Go figure.
Na, as enticing as It sounds, I must stick to my moral responsibilities-sell it for more ram! Just kidding....I'll call M-Audio-I'm afraid to call the salesman at the store. What if he takes it, doesn't send it back, then M-audio is all over me? My word against his?....Does this sound a little Paranoid?
Hey CRANKZ1, did what you said, removed the video card and it fixed it. Almost perfect audio. Also removed the soundblaster. How can I get CDs & MP3s to play through the Delta? The only sound device that shows up in the sounds and properties dialog box is my Modem (which by the way I have also removed from the computer)?? Through Sonar 3 it is almost perfect, but how about going through Winamp? Dialog box shows bad audio driver. I have uninstalled all creative labs software and drivers..... Thank you for your help
I fixed it. Sonar/Options/Audio/WDM drivers and or ASIO drivers- only select don't share with other programs.Winamp works fine now.thanks :D
Right on .....
Them Matrox dual-head video cards have a good reputation for a dual monitor setup in a DAW if your wanting the other screen back.
At least thats the word on the street.
I actually use an ATI 9600 Pro 256 Meg DDR in my system with no problems, but that's for the gamer in me.
Sometimes, I just gotta take a break from mixing and play a little Splinter Cell. :cool:
Crankz1-umm....I tried A little experiment.I don't want to start A whole discussion about this (and I'm sure you don't either) and this might sound stupid, but I don't understand.....I put the video card back in, (A different slot), ran Sonar, recorded some horrible guitar tracks (haven't had time to practice lately since I've been spending 32 hours A day in front of this screen trying to figure out what I got myself into, (and why?). When I leave Sonar on my primary monitor, NO CRACKLES. When I move Sonar to the secondary monitor, pops and rice krispies. Even If I leave the track view in the primary,and run say....console view or sumpin, in monitor 2, rice krispies. I still took It out though, gonna get the dual head and try that. Hell, I'm confused enough? whadya think? Is that normal,weird, or what?
Yeah .... the secondary monitor on the PCI bus is then using bandwidth to do all of it's re-draws and what not.
I'm surprised it's normal idle refresh rate doesn't cause issues. Maybe being idle just isn't enough to create an issue.
I'm far from a genius on all of this, but that's my take on it.
And I'm stickin to it! :D
young guys nowadays think you can just sling in monitors , accel cards ,
and all sorts of stuff into a computer because they swallowed the
marketing junk from the computer manufacturers about plug and play. usb is an example. i should know - i once put out marketing junk for manufacturers.
but manufacturers dont do it to be evil. like every other employer they got young people working for them with kids and mortgages. so ya gotta keep the cash flow coming in to pay the staff. the problem for hi tech manufacturers is you got big cash flow coming in , BUT you got big cash flow going out. just bear this in mind gstring when buying stuff.
ya gotta see through the hype.

i like rice krispies too - especially with raisins added. ooooohhhhh...
lots of raisins......

anyway gstring your really light on memory for a modern pc installation.

read lots of tips ive posted by searching under my name. looks to me like video card might be an issue. also read up on dma.
yeah, manning It was an issue. (video card) But I took It out,problem solved. I've learned a lot more from this forum, especially from you and K-dub, and Manning in the last 2 days than I've learned in the last 6 months. I had no idea that A computer set up for DAW was what you need and I didn't even know the term DAW existed until after I bought one. See, I called Dell and told them I wanted a computer set up for music. This is what I got. I didn't know ANYTHING about sound cards, Ram, Hard drives, Etc...I've been playing music for 22 years, I'm 34-But have never really had the insight until now to actually preserve what I'm doing.......My PC-I would have had someone build me one, knowing what I know now from you guys , but the Dell is O.K. just needs A little more tweeking........ I'm going to a computer auction Friday and Saturday-10/29-10/30. My brother bought 5 last month. Older-10 gig, 128 megs O'ram....they come from the colleges and universities. If I pick some up I intend to sell them for A profit, I think my brother got them for between 55 to 65$ each, monitors,17 inch, keyboard and mouse. I'm going to take one and use It for just Internet usage. (If I buy some) If you or K-Dub or manning want one, I'll tell you what I got and let Ya'll have one for what I paid. Don't know about shipping? Will have to find out? Anyway, I won't spend more than 50 or 60 dollars each. everyone else, probably $100.00. Thanks for your help. Doug
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thnx gstring. glad i could help.
but i got enough puters here to keep me happy for ages as i worked in the industry for eons.
i dont know what software you use but i use magix music studio and powertracks. also check out band in a box sometime - great for being a songwriters aid. builds a back up band in software. (bye bye drummers).
but watch out - highly addictive piece of software.
also check out (google for it). hotstepper to build loops of high quality sampled sounds. its free on the internet. build your loops in it then import to your multitrack software.
Band in A box? It can't sound any worse than the last group of up and coming musicians that I answered An ad for.(local newspaper) These guys were all young, early 20's, would tune their guitars to drop D, distort the absolute hell out of everything-even the vocals (which I'm kinda glad they did) play 3 chords, sound like they were puking into the microphone-and call it a song? Now I'm not trying to undermine anyone here, as we all have (or could have) different tastes. I'll be the FIRST one to be open minded about music and respect talent when I hear it,even If I don't particularly like It. However I have to draw the line when It's just plain distasteful.Oh-am I babbling?......sorry..Band In A box..Thanks, I'll try it out.Can you get A demo?