REX files in Sonar?


New member
I just picked up a four CD set of VST Drum Sessions for $1.95 at my music store. It is by :-)wizoo:) but also has the Steinberg logo and says it is for PC or Mac. From reading the instructions, it seems to me they assume you have Cubase although it says nothing on the package that says Cubase is required.

The CD's have folders full of REX files. From what I can tell, you need Cubase to open them. Is there any way to use these files in Cakewalk?
rex files are supported natively in cubase but I dont know about sonar. You could always rewire a Reason session with dr. rex
Sonar5 PE comes with RXP. It is a REX player with some filter and amp parameters to boot.

after fooling with RXP, i bought Reason, and am now seriously considering ReCycle so its a great intro to their tools and usable to boot.