Rewire and Reasons:


New member
While running Sonar 2 rewired to Reason. I was able to get the Reason and Sonar to work together fine. My question is about recording sounds from Reason. In Sonar the record ARM button on the rewired tracks is not an option. Is there anyway to record the sounds from Reasons directly into Sonar? I was able to record them in Soundforge then import them later into Sonar. I want to record directly into Sonar
Have you tried to bounce the "effect" to the track? It's under the Process menu, I think...
There are a couple ways that come to mind.

1. Solo the Reason ouput track. Goto Export Audio and export it as a WAV file.

2. Solo the Reason output track. Make a new audio track, arm it for recording and select "WAV output" or "What you hear" or "monitor mixer" as your recording source (this will depend on your soundcard)

For example, if you have a SB Live, in Sonar you select "Stereo SBLive audio in" (or whatever it is) as your source. Then in your SB Live mixer, select "What you hear" as the recording source. Then record the whole song in Sonar. The output from the Reason track will be recorded to the new track you made.