revisted older song - alterantive/electronic

I like the combination of what sounds like Guitar plus Keyboards for the main rhythm. What guitra and keyboard patch(es) are you using here?

I'm wondering if the section around 2:15 should have the "megaphone" vocals a bit louder. I love the effect you're using!

The vocals for the rest of the piece sit nicely - distinct but not overpowering.

My earbuds tell me that the bass and kick are thumpin' pretty good here.

Sounds good....other than the above mentioned it sounds great!

Pretty good mix.

The instrumentation sounds very Nine Inch Nails esque.

ido's probably right that the vocals during the breakdown could come up a bit.
first i'll appologize as it seems my shift key doesn't work.

gerry - thanks so much for listening. the guitars are half mic'd half direct. the amp is a small palomino v16 and the plug in is a free 'jcm800' modeller i found on a thread somewhere on here. your right about it being backed by that keyboard it's an alesis micron - patch was 'closet bass' ran through same amp and plug ins the guitars were. i agree that part can come up louder i think i kept it quiet cause i wasn't sure i wanted it in the song at all so i buried it a bit. thanks again for listenin, i really appreciate it

vomithatsteve - thanks so much for listening man, ever find your drummer? wish i could help but i just use programming for now

mrmcslick - thanks so much for the kind words man, appreciate it

take care
