Revisit of the same can of worms A PRE COMPARISON


New member
Hey guys and gals,
Simple question to stir some debate. If you had a choice to have an Avalon 737sp or a new Universal Audio LA-610 for your one good channel in your studio, which one would you pick. Keep in mind this is about which one is a better channel strip as a whole, not just looking for pres. THANKS YALL!
LOL. You want people to review EQ and comp sections of each too? That will just make the debate even longer and more torturous.

Try the search. Both of these pres have been talked about here many many times.
Tough call. I would say the Avalon is a little more versatile. The EQ is much more flexible, and the preamp is soft and smooth. The universal audio has a more aggressive shaped preamp sound, less EQ, but a much better comp, in my opinion. Both of them are winners. My money would go to the Universal audio first. It's chepaer and fits MY style better.
Sporkmyband said:
Hey guys and gals,
Simple question to stir some debate. If you had a choice to have an Avalon 737sp or a new Universal Audio LA-610 for your one good channel in your studio, which one would you pick. Keep in mind this is about which one is a better channel strip as a whole, not just looking for pres. THANKS YALL!

The Avalon hands down.
I do mostly rock, and of that a lot of heavier rock and standard rock with a more "aggressive approach. The 737 is a solid unit, but nearly as used as people might think. All the big studios have a couple, but they don't get used quite as much as a lot of people think. Still though, if you can afford it, I don't think you would be unhappy with either piece. They are both winners. The new LA610 is pretty new so there isn't a lot of feedback on it yet, but initial reports look pretty promising:)
acorec said:
The Avalon hands down.

Can you qualify that statement? Why hands down? To me, if compression is most important, it's the LA 610 hands down. If EQ is the most important, the Avalon hands down. If aggressive punchy preamp is the most important, the LA 610. If smooth round preamp sound is more important, the Avalon. The way I see it, this is a very fair comparison between two pieces of gear that each have there own uses and strong points, but a similar quality and build.
I'm going back with the ART MP-1

No, not really. I like what you are saying about the aggressive quality of the UA. I think if it is aggressive, you probably mean when the gain is on +5 or even +10, and backing off the gain and going up with the level should bring more smoothness. But I need the aggressive. I mean I have two British Channels, but I want something CLASSY sounding. A REAL power tool, and I want it to have some kind of life of its own. I wish I knew of some commercial recording that has one on it. The avalon just sorta seems like something for jazz or something, from what I have heard(literally heard on a recording done with it). Very nice. Another question is about the UA preamp. Many people say it makes something that sits back in the mix. Does that mean you can't achieve 3D sounds with it. I sure hope not. Also, I kind of feel like sticking out or sitting back has to do with the midrange levels in a track causing it to stick out or fit snug back in. Hell, why not bring this up, the 896HD Motu unit. Anybody hate it and want to throw it from a building because the converters are so f**king bad? Lemmee know. Tell me more about these two pres if you wish! :). DOT had me wanting to go the API route. Which I am thankful for, because they ARE something I need in a year or so, but I need a channel first for my rock music with compression and a little bit of EQ. I have Waves stuff for more extensive eq. Keep talking folks.
From your description, I personally think it sounds like the LA 610 is the way to go. However, I still think that you would love either unit. The Avalon to me is what you use for a smooth polished result that is pretty and blends very well with other things. The Universal Audio is what I would use if I wanted a track to kind of explode and set itself apart from other tracks. API would not typically be my first choice for Vocals, but on drums and guitars they ROCK!
xstatic said:
Can you qualify that statement? Why hands down? To me, if compression is most important, it's the LA 610 hands down. If EQ is the most important, the Avalon hands down. If aggressive punchy preamp is the most important, the LA 610. If smooth round preamp sound is more important, the Avalon. The way I see it, this is a very fair comparison between two pieces of gear that each have there own uses and strong points, but a similar quality and build.

Because Universal Audio IS NOT even remotely close to the company who made the reputation so many years ago. Their stuff is only so-so these days. It is like the "Trident" stuff being foisted off on the public. The name has been picked up by bad designers and the equipment is only "Trident" in name. If I was going to spend this kind of $$$ (and I did), then I would definately buy the Avalon (which I did). That is only me though. If you have to have a Universal Audio anything, at least get an old one that is a REAL UA product.
I can understand a little better now where you are coming from with your statement. In part I agree. The new UA stuff doesn't seem to be as "magical" as the vintage stuff. Does that mean that the new stuff isn't worth it? Not a chance. Have you used any of it? There are many instances where I definately prefer the new UA preamps to the Avalon 737. However, thats mostly because it fits my style so well where often times the Avalon doesn't. In fact, I like the fact that it is different than the older UA stuff. There is plenty of vintage UA stuff on the market so now I can choose between them. If the compressor section on the new LA610 even comes close to the sound of a vintage La2a then that alone makes the unit worth owning at the price it sells for. By no means am I saying that the new UA gear is a MUST have, or that its the greatest thing on the market. However, I don't believe that an Avalon 737 is either. The 737 is a very popular piece of gear that many people own, but in many ways it's very overhyped. In my opinion it is also overpriced.

In the end, you bought the Avalon because it is right for you. That does not mean however that it is the best choice for everyone. In my post I gave reasons at least why differnt users might want to purchase one over the other. It was not an Avalon trashing post. It was merely pointing the advantages and disadvantages of each unit. I pretty much agree with you on the Trident stuff. But even then it may have value. Just not in the same way the older Trident stuff does. Change is not always evil:)
I wouldnt overlook the Vintech 1272 (neve clone). Two channels that fit the bill for alot of styles of Rock. No Eq or compressor but a Rnc can be had pretty cheap and does a great job on the way in. Waves can finish the job after tracking. This preamp seems to sit in the mix very well, with little eq'ing. Very versatile also...drums, guitars, vocals.
The Vintech actually does sound pretty good, and at a pretty fair price. If you like your Vintech, you owe it to your ears to audition a Great River. Same principle as the Vintech, but the GR really takes off where the Vintech stops:) I don't mean this to sound like a bad statement about the Vintech because the Great River is more expensive and I think you get a lot of bang for the buck with the Vintech:)
xstatic said:
The Vintech actually does sound pretty good, and at a pretty fair price. If you like your Vintech, you owe it to your ears to audition a Great River. Same principle as the Vintech, but the GR really takes off where the Vintech stops:) I don't mean this to sound like a bad statement about the Vintech because the Great River is more expensive and I think you get a lot of bang for the buck with the Vintech:)
I would love to check out GR stuff but its all about the money for me at the moment. I heard nothing but fantastic things from GR. I own the Vintech so I can speak with confindence and personal experience. My home studio isnt making the money to invest in Gr stuff yet but hopefully, someday I will look to pick up a GR but for now Im on the hunt for Converters. :)