Review of Latest Song: "Writing Songs" ... Please...?

I would love to add percussion to the mix but I suck at it. Any tips?

On the youtube one near the end I added a drum loop but sounds out of place.

On the mp3 I removed it.

I've tried used mixcraft 5 to create a drum beat, but still having a hard time.

Anyone want to add one for me ... ;)
You have to record the drums first or a click track or a drum loop. That way everything wih be in time with each other. Adding drums without a click or midi to folow is no good....
A few quick notes...

The strumming guitar is very far back. Sounds like you're a few feet from the mic. Get up close so it is more up front. Or better yet. Keep that track and add a new track with the mic much closer.

Remove most of the reverb on the vocals. Turn it all the way down, then back up so you can just barely hear it. You want to apply the same amount of reverb to the strumming guitar to get them in the same space.

The sound effects sound gimicky. I suggest not having them. Let the words tell the story.

I think the song would work well without percussion.

I like the song and you have a good voice for it.
Thanks Ido - looks like drums are out for this track then... Unless I rerecord. Probably best to record with a click track anyways to make sure timing is on all the time.

Chili - Yeah, I didn't record the guitar and vocals separately. I originally attempted it this way (see previous threads I had) but found it too be too much of a pain. I also like the more "live" feel of recording the vocals and guitar together.

I would say the guitar is a couple of feet from the amp, but it's more to do with the mic facing my face rather than the amp. (I recorded seated.)

Both therefore have the same reverb. I hear what you're saying about maybe too much reverb. On one set of headphones I listen to it sounds very good at this level, but on the second pair it sounds a bit much.

Thanks for the advice and I'm glad you enjoyed the song.

I may try and rerecord the whole thing and take some of your comments into account if I have a chance.

In terms of the FX, maybe I did too much. I do like the bluebirds fluttering though...
I usually record to a click so I can add drums later if I want, plus it helps everything else sit together better. Maybe some shakers or something like that for percussion.

Sound effects could be ok, just turn them down some. If you like them keep them, if you don't ditch them.

Your main guitar needs some beef (i.e. more of a low end) since it is the main thing in this song, along with the voice.

Remove most of the reverb from the vocals.

The lead guitar sounds way more up front than the other guitar, and it's not that great...I'd ditch it because it's more distracting than adding to the song.

Oh, and if you add any percussion at all, I'd also add bass...might not be a bad idea anyway.
I agree - the lead is not doing much for the song, there is way too much reverb. You don't have to multitrack but if it's a live take then microphone palcement is important to try and get as little bleed as possible. When I track guitars I sing in my head so I get the same "feel" on the rhythm as I would playing it live - that's what I'm trying to do. When you strip away the reverb and far away ness I can hear a great voice and guitar that need to come out a bit more...
Thanks a lot guys.

You know, I think what I enjoy most about making music, is the writing and singing part rather than the guitar as I'm just not that great on any instrument and the sound of my instruments will always be better by someone else.

Is there a site on the internet where you can collaborate with musicians to make recordings?

I really want to make a good recording of this song.