

New member
A couple of questions about reverb and vocals:

Is it a good idea to use the bpm/milliseconds conversion table used for Delay when setting reverb tails?

Is it important to match pre-delay settings to tempo? If so, how is this done? Is doing it by ear the best way?

i thought about this questions myself... then I just tried.
here's what I found out:

matching the decay-time with the song's bpm kind of clears things up a bit.

trying to match the pre-delay with the bpm seems a bit useless since these times are so short anyway.

well, that's just what I found out - and I'm still baaaaad at mixing vocals. :p
There are 2 "absolute" rules in recording...

- make sure the instrument is IN TUNE..........

- make sure time-based effects are in time to the song's tempo........

The unwritten 3rd rule is....
- you can break the 2nd rule if you're going for a specific effect, but you should know what you're doing!

As far as predelay... you use it to simulate the distance from the source to the virtual wall you're creating with your reverb.

Sound travels approximately 1 foot per millisecond, so if you wanted to simulate the effect of a source being ten feet away from a wall, then a predelay of 10 mS is needed, because that is the time it would take before the sound source would strike the wall 10 feet away.........

Ah. So, following Bruce's explanation, to simulate an actual realistic environment of a band playing, each instrument should have the exact same reverb, but with different predelays because each instrument cannot occupy the same physical space at the same time. Thus, each instrument must be placed at different distances from the simulated wall...
I once read somewhere that you can use different reverbs but you should use the same pre-delay times... wow, I'm confused :confused:
Agree with Bruce

No doubt you should keep your time based FX in tempo.
That's 60,000ms / bpm. That's it for example if you are at 120 bpm
that should be: 60000/120=500 ms for a "right on the beat" delay or reflection and so on... 1000, 1500, 2000...
But it depends on the "shape" you want the fx to have.

