Reverb Units To Chose From


New member
TC Electronic M One XL
Lexicon MPX 550
Kurzweil Rumor

There the one's i'm looking at and as i'm in australia i will be buying these from the u.s. so i really cant test em out. I know all 3 are good reverb units so either way i wont go wrong but i'ld like to know which unit excels at doing wat
When it comes to Lexicon I wouldn't want to go below the MPX-1. The TC M-One XL is a good reverb unit, but I think on your list I would take the Kurzweil Rumour. The reason being that it has a wider variety of reverb sounds available. The TC tends to be a bit on the bland side, and all the reverbs tend to sound very similar. Very clean and nice, but for more variety the Rumour is better.
Judge said:
TC Electronic M One XL
Lexicon MPX 550
Kurzweil Rumor

There the one's i'm looking at and as i'm in australia i will be buying these from the u.s. so i really cant test em out. I know all 3 are good reverb units so either way i wont go wrong but i'ld like to know which unit excels at doing wat

I read that Fletcher feels that the Rumor eats any lexicon alive and spits it out for dinner. Do a search for the Rumor and see what he says about it.
i looked but couldn't find it

plus didn't he have something to do with the testing? so he may be a little biased towards it.....just checking
Fletcher also sells them, so you sometimes have to take a grain of salt with dealer advice. Especially when they recommend a product they stock over one they don't. However, in this case his advice is right on, as it usually is actually.

I personally wouldn't say the Rumour eats *any* Lexicon alive, but certainly the lower end models aren't up to it. I still like my PCM-91 very much, but am glad I have a Rumour now too.

The thing is, reverb is very much a personal choice and depends on the music being mixed, etc. Everybody has their own favorites and that's the way it should be.

I wrote a review of the Rumour and Mangler recently, which you can find at the link below. Also on that page are links to the Rumour/Mangler algorithm guide and parameter lists. Hopefully some of that will prove to be helpful in your decision process. I also try to download manuals whenever possible. TC may have the M-One XL manual online, and it would be worth checking that out.
i'ld be using the reverb mainly for


but i use it alot on piano sounds, snares guitar and other strings

i'm recording hip-hop but i like to keep alot of shit clean when i can