Reverb on Vocals


New member
I recorded some vocals on a Rode NT3 and I've added reverb to give it some depth however I'm finding that I have to put what I consider too much reverb on these vocals to stop it sounding too dry. Is there something I might have got wrong in the recording (I used no compression or eq) or some other effect I can use other than reverb?
You might also try backing off on the vocal reverb, adding a little more to the rest of the mix, and see how that sounds. One element by itself with reverb will sound more distant, which is probably not what you want.
yes, that's exactly what it's sounding like - too distant. I'll try adding more reverb to the rest but to be honest it's all sounding a little too "echoy." I'm listening to other reference CDs and the vocals are clear with subtle reverb, I just can't seem to bring the vocals out of the mix without using reverb.
Try compressing the verb also - with a fairly quick release (1 or 200ms). Get about three dB of gain reduction on loud parts.

That way, then the vocals are slammin' and need to be up front, the compression will push the verb out of the way. But the space in between will allow the verb to swell up nicely and fill some of that space.

That's not just a good trick for vocals, but for the entire "main" verb - Louder parts are more clear, quieter parts are "softened" by the added verb.

MUTE THAT VERB FREQUENTLY also. It's very easy to go overboard.
I can't believe that worked! Thanks, it's sounding less like it was recorded in a cave than ever now! I'm going to play around with it as I just threw in the numbers you suggested and it made a difference. Now I need to work out how...
Well gee, don't stop there - Try smashing the hell out of it on a tune that goes from soft to hard (like a Cemetary Gates type tune).

EQ it.

Compress it.

Limit it.

Run it out to a flanger.

Just try to have a goal for it - What do you need it to do... Think about an "attack plan" and go for it.

I still find it surprising that more people don't manipulate verbs... It's just another track as far as I'm concerned, and therefore it's open game.
yeah, makes sense when you put it like that. I've now run it through a distorter with a good effect in places. I screwed up with the eq, but I'll keep at it. Thanks.
Might not make much of a difference in your situation, but I've found that if it's too "dry" for my taste, making it wetter with verb doesn't always work, because don't need a wet signal, just a less flat signal. If that's the case, try really close micing, like, mic, popshield and mouth only 3 or 4 cm appart each. Use a cardioride patern. You could get some proximity effect then, which sometimes helps me. Sounds warmer, fuller and more direct, but maybe a bit over the top and "in your face".