Retiring my 38


New member
I'm finally retiring my 38 after 10+ years of use. The M-1516 will be joining it. Both are good pieces of gear, but the relays are now sticking on four of the eight channel cards, tape is outrageously expensive, used tape usually is of poor quality, and parts are just getting too darned hard to find. The mixer has three faders that are 'iffy' and a fourth that is gone altogether. Channel eight OL light is permanently on now staring at me constantly in the dark.

I have a relatively (210 hours) new DA-88 on the way along with an M-2524 console to console me and my loss. Hope it works out.
I used to use the DA-88 and 38 decks. They were really good and reliable. The biggest problem now is that they aren't worth fixing. Once the transport craps out, that's an $800 job to fix something that you can buy on ebay for $250.

I went computer based about 8 years ago and never looked back. At first, I was still mixing through the console. But after a while I just started mixing in the box. The recall was fabulous, UAD plugins sound better than any of the outboard I could get for the same money, and the workflow was much faster. With budgets what they are these days, I would have been out of business with any sort of tape machine.
I thought about going computer based that far back but I couldn't bring myself to give up my knobs and faders, and particularly tape.

Very costly to fix for something you can buy so cheaply now. Heck, I only gave $100 for a minty machine that checks out good so far. That's what demand will do to prices. Analog tape machines underwent the same fate and headstacks on 2" machines aren't exactly cheap either. Add channel cards, and power supplies, etc, and you're playing in the same park as a 24 track setup of DTRS's.

Well I hope it works out. If this machine gives up at the 1000+/- hour mark, then I guess I will have to finally give in to a computer. Radar maybe?
I'm sorry to hear about your 38. I'm currently trying to restore a 38, 58, and a M-30 mixer (and when I say "restore" I mean "just get them working"). Good thing I'm not trying to make money at this!

Any chance you would be parting out your 38? I'm looking for a tension roller cap and no one seems to have one. Thanks!
@Synaopso: Try writing Tascam. I've ordered a pinch roller and a NAB adaptor for my 38 without problems. It would be a shame if another 38 should end up as parts.
If you can't find anywhere I'd be willing to sell you one for cheap from a parts machine I bought in order to grab its capstain motor for my now nearly functional 38.