Rescuing guitar tracks with heavily scooped mids...


New member
I'm trying to mix a metal project where the guitarist sucked the mids out of his tone when tracking despite my warnings. I knew it was going to come to this point but I figured hey, its not my record.

Is there any way to rescue this tone without totally destroying whats already there? I've tried subtly cutting some highs and lows to make the mids stand out more, but there isnt much there in the first place so it ends up sounding better, but still like total crap. I've also tried using cakewalk's reamp plugin to put it through a fake speaker which helps tremendously but still not enough. We can't re-record so I'm trying to fix it in the mixing stage which I know sounds pretty pointless and stupid, but I'm just trying to do what I can before handing the guys their recording and saying, "The guitars sound like crap because you sucked out the mids and its my fault for not stopping you."
In my experience it is prolly a waste of time. I only make things worse when I try to fix things like that. You have to take control of the situation and tell them like it is cause they have no idea most of the time.. Of course I don't know too much either..
Sounds like .....

you got hit up by a NU-Metal guitar player. I don't think theres much you can do man. If the guys amp sounded like a turd to begin with then you can't exactly turn it into gold. Just make sure you explain better next time that your not a miracle worker.