Rerecorded vocals to an old song


New member
I recorded this song a while ago but I thought it deserved better vocals (aka not as off pitch)

I think they are much better this time around, although I dont' have the original to compare with. I made sure I destroyed it.

(Lyrics are in jest if you can't figure out by title.)
The way the guitars drop out and come back in is not appealing in this type of music at all. The vocal is ok I suppose but could still be better. The canned drum sounds....well...

I'm gonna leave the rest alone.
Vox sound thin and distant. Not bad singing (for the style) from what I can hear. Song is pretty cool.
jake-owa said:
The way the guitars drop out and come back in is not appealing in this type of music at all. The vocal is ok I suppose but could still be better. The canned drum sounds....well...

I'm gonna leave the rest alone.

What type of music is this that I cannot drop out guitars?
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I didn't say you cannot. The way they come in and out has not reason, it's distracting from the rock vibe in this tune IN MY OPINION.
jake-owa said:
I didn't say you cannot. The way they come in and out has not reason, it's distracting from the rock vibe in this tune IN MY OPINION.

It does have reason, I have two guitars one lower and one higher that comes in after a line. I understand what you're saying. I don't know, I like how it did it. Thanks for the comments though!
strat0tele said:
They are panned. Just not completely 100% each way.

My bad. I hear it now. One is semi-one sided the other is kinda semi-centered? I dunno somethings wrong with it. Can't put my finger on it.

Just started mixing shit myself. So don't mind my ignorance
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livilaNic said:
My bad. I hear it now. One is semi-one sided the other is kinda semi-centered? I dunno somethings wrong with it. Can't put my finger on it.

Just started mixing shit myself. So don't mind my ignorance

Both are panned I believe 60% each way but the one is louder, giving the appearance of it probably sounding more center.