Reporting on first use of Speaker mic


New member
So I didn't get the chance to make it before we started recording drums cause I wanted to try it on the kick drum.

however, I did make one with a Hartke 10" from a not used bass cab. Wired that thing up too a mic cable slung a piece of rope around it and hung it from a mic stand. Believe it or not it stayed put the entire time.

Ran a line out of Ampeg 400 watt head. Got a nice pop but not to much of the low end.

Ran the DI'ed bass track out of the recorder back through the full rig Ampeg 400wt head through 8x10 cab. Put the speaker mic in between 2 of the speakers about 1/2" of the grill.

Tons of low end worked nice for what I was trying to achieve, then with no higher end present i decided to slap a 57 on the top right speaker about 1" away.

I so pleased with the results

DI' gave me the clarity and presence of the notes
Speaker mic gave bottom end
57 gave what the other 2 were lacking

I plan on using them all in the final