Replacement Timeline Microlynx power supplies?


New member
Hi Guys,

Does anybody know of an off-the-shelf replacement power supply for a Timeline Microlynx? I bought a unit a little over a week ago (sans power supply) and attempted constructing a replacement power supply based on information given to me in an earlier thread.

Unfortunately, I'm still not able to get my Microlynx to power I'm trying to determine if the Microlynx or the power supply is the problem.

My thought, of course, is to use a different power supply, and after doing some research, I found this:

P50A13D-R1BU: MEAN WELL: Power Supplies & Wall Adapters

Has anybody ordered anything similar with a 5-pin DIN connector and had success with it?

This one will work, but you need to replace the connector with a DIN plug.

Genuine Cisco PIX 506 Power Supply 34 0874 01 ADP 30RB | eBay

The Timeline PS is:

Power Supply Mains
Input 100-250 VAC at 50/60 Hz
15 W nominal, 30 W max.
Output +5 V, 3A max
-12 V, 3A max
+12 V, 1.0A max

Compare the Cisco to the one you found and pick the better match. I'm not sure if the DIN pin assignment on the one y ou found m atches the Timeline PS (I would have to look at mine) you might end up having to redo the DIN plug on that one too...but you need a +5V, -12V, +12V and two ground/common connections if I recall...just not sure which is on which pin.
Actually, Miroslav, the Cisco mod was the one I tried :-)

From looking at the spec sheet:
The pinout appears to be the same as the specifications listed in the Timeline manual. The amperage ratings for +12 and -12 are lower than the specs you gave, but then again, so are the amperage listings for the Cisco.

I'm going to do a little more research before I buy (I've seen people use an LZR Electronics power supply, part number LZUS4301, as a replacement elsewhere, although they seem to be more difficult to find as the company is apparently out of business), but barring the possibility of finding something less expensive, this looks like it could work.

I'm just hoping I can get this unit powered up. It has the expansion card for a third transport, which I have not seen in many of the recent eBay listings.
Actually, Miroslav, the Cisco mod was the one I tried :-)

From looking at the spec sheet:
The pinout appears to be the same as the specifications listed in the Timeline manual. The amperage ratings for +12 and -12 are lower than the specs you gave, but then again, so are the amperage listings for the Cisco.

I'm going to do a little more research before I buy (I've seen people use an LZR Electronics power supply, part number LZUS4301, as a replacement elsewhere, although they seem to be more difficult to find as the company is apparently out of business), but barring the possibility of finding something less expensive, this looks like it could work.

I'm just hoping I can get this unit powered up. It has the expansion card for a third transport, which I have not seen in many of the recent eBay listings.

Do you know the correct power/pin assignment for the ML. Someone else here modified the Cisco PS and it worked fine for them.
Maybe your ML unit is the issue...?
I have the OEM PS which I use, and the Cisco PS as a backup (but haven't bothered to modify it yet).

Do you even need the third transport card?
I only use the one trasnport card for my Otari, and then the DAW/MIDI connections...but I also have the third transport card.
Do you know the correct power/pin assignment for the ML. Someone else here modified the Cisco PS and it worked fine for them.
Maybe your ML unit is the issue...?
I have the OEM PS which I use, and the Cisco PS as a backup (but haven't bothered to modify it yet).

Yes, I followed the instructions posted by, I believe, Thinbrownline in an earlier thread, as well as referencing the manual for the ML. My reason for buying a new power supply is to suss out whether the ML is the issue or not...I'm hoping that it is not.

Do you even need the third transport card?
I only use the one trasnport card for my Otari, and then the DAW/MIDI connections...but I also have the third transport card.

Well, I don't *need* the third transport card, but...once I saw that it was in the unit, my mind started reeling with the prospect of using a third tape machine, heh.
I have had on a couple of occasions powered up my ML...and nothing. I pulled the PS plug...check basic power connections....tried it again, and it powered up fine...but that was maybe twice in many, many power cycles.

Remember....this ML stuff is getting long in the tooth (why I have more than one ML system/keyboard around) the electronics and chips inside are feeling their age.
I have taken out (c-a-r-e-f-u-l-l-y) all the plug-in type EPROMs/chips/connectors inside the units, and gently cleaned off their contacts with some Caig deoxidizer just to make sure there are no intermittant connections due to grime/oxidation.
Careful with the EPROM pins....they can easily bend, and even break off.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Hi Troutmask

After you wired the DIN plug did you test the voltages on the pins with a multimeter? Sorry to make such a basic point, but whenever I wire anything I test it with the mindset that there is something wrong and I just need to find it. It's a good approach to testing.



I did try testing the connections, both before removing the original connector and after installing the DIN plug. I was puzzled by not being able to read a signal from it, but after reading some literature online which stated that some power bricks only output voltage when a unit is actively drawing upon it (which I figured a multimeter did, but anyway), I went ahead and tried the mod, thinking that perhaps I was doing something wrong due to my naivete on such matters.

Were you able to read the voltage out on your own power supply? If that is the case, then I think it is safe to determine that the power supply was it is a good thing that I have this other one on order.

Miroslav, thanks for the PM recommendations. If this new power supply doesn't solve my problem, I may become emboldened enough to give it a shot (if I don't just seek a refund).
Yeah, sounds like you got a dud. It doesn't need a load for it to work. What did you do with the ROF wire by the way? I just cut mine short and put a heat-shrink rubber sleeve on it.

You probably can't send yours back now that it has been rewired.


I basically did the same as you did with the ROF wire...and you are correct about my inability to send it back at this point. That'll teach me to ignore my gut instincts on such things, heh...but at least it was less than $20 (actually, maybe a hair more with the cost of the connector, but not much more).
Sweetbeats, can you tell me how you did this?

I've recently bought a microlynx for sync between a Tascam TSR8 and midi setup. It's sans power supply though, and have little idea about modding power supplies. I'm tempted to go the Cisco route, but postage to Australia is a bit steep, so if there's another way ... any advice would be really appreciated!
Well it's important to realize I had a dead MicroLynx power supply from which to rob the cable that connects to the MicroLynx.

I don't have ready access to my MicroLynx stuff at the moment. IIRC the power plug on the back of the MicroLynx is a standard full-size DIN-5 connector (like a MIDI plug). So you'd need one of those, or maybe it would be best to just get a MIDI cable and lop one end off. Then get a standard ATX power supply, preferably one with a switch on it. Then I opened it up, and removed any unnecessary harnessing, and then had to jumper a connection in there so the power supy would power up even though it wasn't connected to a computer motherboard...then I think I added some fuse protection. I don't remember what power rails I used on the computer power supply and I don't have the MicroLynx manual handy either to recall what it uses. +12, -12, and +5VDC? That's all from memory and it's been several years. My point is that it is a little bit involved.
Hmm. Yep, I see what you mean. Most of your memory seems pretty good, but it's one of those things about messing with power - I like to record a bit hot but I don't actually wanna see flames!

Thanks for your advice, might try the Cisco first.
This should get you almost there.
I've seen someone using it with a TimeLine Micro Lynx....though it is not 100% identical to the OEM power supply, it probably won't hurt anything.

Thanks Miroslav,
Actually, I just ordered a Cisco that I tracked down locally. I'll know where to head now though if I have problems. Cables will be next of course, but there's a bit of info around here on that which should make things easier!
hey guys,i hope I'm not out of order by jumping in here..
,,i'm looking for the pin out order in which the lynx is wired,,my tech ordered a replacement from the suggestions on this thread and it came with a different connection.
so id be great full if you help me with the correct order of the 1,2,3,4,5 pins that plug into the microlynx box.
kind regards
Let me take a look tonight when I'm at my studio...I still use the MicroLynx, and have the OEM power supply.

You want just the order on the DIN plug or are you asking what each of the legs get AFA voltages...?

I think the OEM power supply actually has a small diagram with pin out right on the I can take a picture of it and post for you.
As's the pin-out from the OEM power supply for the MicroLynx.
