Replacement alternatives for mono Duet


New member
I bought a Duet three years ago. I recorded with it maybe a dozen times then set it aside (in the original box in a closet) while life got in the way of further recording activities (hello first child!). I just got back to recording only to find one of the Duets channels has gone all white noise. Yes, I swapped the cables around and the right channel stayed dead. Apogee wants $175 just to put it on their bench to try and figure out what's wrong -about the value of this thing on eBay if it worked perfectly.

Not wanting to throw good money after bad (very disappointed in Apogee!), what competitor stereo units should I be looking at? I use Logic Express and a three year old MacBook Pro. MacBook and Logic will probably get upgraded soon to latest versions...

Anyone want to buy a Duet that has turned itself into a One??

I bought a Duet three years ago. I recorded with it maybe a dozen times then set it aside (in the original box in a closet) while life got in the way of further recording activities (hello first child!). I just got back to recording only to find one of the Duets channels has gone all white noise. Yes, I swapped the cables around and the right channel stayed dead. Apogee wants $175 just to put it on their bench to try and figure out what's wrong -about the value of this thing on eBay if it worked perfectly.

Not wanting to throw good money after bad (very disappointed in Apogee!), what competitor stereo units should I be looking at? I use Logic Express and a three year old MacBook Pro. MacBook and Logic will probably get upgraded soon to latest versions...

Anyone want to buy a Duet that has turned itself into a One??


I've had a Sound Devices USBPre 2 for about two years now. Very robust, and Sound Devices has a great rep for customer service (not that I've ever needed any). The only down-side is that the USBPre 2 was cannibalizing Sound Devices more lucrative field mixers so they've jacked the price up $200 to protect that market. If you're lucky you might find one used.