removing tape hiss


New member
wasnt sure where to put this thread, but i hope some folks can help

i got ahold of a cd of a family gospel group which was clearly recorded from a tape. i was wondering if anyone has had any luck in successfully removing tape hiss from recordings without crushing the music with too much eq. maybe some frequencies i should target and how? thanks for the help!
My favourite is waves noise reduction, I have also had goo results from sonic foundry noise reduction.

Any noise reduction where you can sample the noise so it knows what it is you are trying to get rid of.

Outboard Behringer SNR 202 Denoiser. This is the old model made in Germany before they started selling outsourced crap. It's been a very useful tool for me over the years. If you must use software I'm with mixmkr about Adobe Audition (AKA Cool Edit Pro). :)
IF there's some areas that are just tape noise (less than a second) then Waverepair can make a fingerprint & you can do a bunch of non destructive noise reduction runs until you get the result you can live with.
It's cheap ($30) but not free.
It's easy to use but not easy to perfect.
It's the best vinyl restoration software I've come across and does a grand job on any wav file.
I highly recommend it.
If you can't hear it except during moments of silence, then you might be able to run it out and back in through a gate, a downward expander (aka hush pedal), or my favorite, a decimator unit. It usually won't change the music at all that way. But if it is audible when the music is up, then the only thing I can think of is to sample it, and then do a destructive noise removal. I've never done that myself. Good luck.
tape hiss ?

Hi guys. I am sure NO expertert in the recording field but have been working on it for about the last year or so using all analog equipment with the exception of NADY 31 single channel equilizers. I have had pretty good luck just cutting the 1000 Khz all the way to remove tape hiss. Just my 2 cents worth. :drunk: