removing pedal-noise from church-organ


New member
I recently recorded a concert with an acustic saxophone/church organ duo. I placed 2 microphones about 1 meter in front of the church organ. In the recording I can hear a lot pedal noise from the organ, and I would to remove some of it. Does anybody have any tips on how to do this? I'm using Adobe Edition 1.5

I should have placed my microphones further behind in the church, because this is how one usually records church organs. But I didnt have long enough cables, and because it was a live-recording, it was difficult to find a spot in the middle of the room that didnt interfere with the audience. (And I was afraid that the microphones would fall on the ground and hurt somebody)

The recording is mostly for documentation, and we are allowed to play it in the local Student Radio here in Norway.
I appreciate any advice.

Ummm that's a tough one. I'm not sure you can fix it. My only suggestion is to try recording just the pedal sound. I mean set up your mics again and just record someone pressing the pedals without playing and use that as a "noise profile" in your noise reduction tool. Taking out the sound of the pedals however may cut into other frequencies you want to keep.

You might also try to find out with eq just what part of the freq. spectrum the pedal noise is located and reduce the eq in that area. I know for string sound on a guitar it's around 3000hz if I remember.

Rusty K
With 1.5, here's how to do it: highlight a portion of the organ track in Edit View that has the pedal noise in it. Press F9 to put it in Spectral View. The marquee tool icon in the tool bar (it's a rectangular dotted line) will automatically be selected. Play back the track until you see the shape of the noise in the frequency spectrum. Using the mouse, draw the marquee around the noise. Then go to Effects/Noise Reduction/Click-Pop Eliminator and press the button that reads "Fix Single Click Now." (If it is greyed out, you selected too large an area: try again with a smaller selection.) This will delete the pedal noise and clone the audio around it so it disappears. Now, go to the start of the track and, in Spectral View, find each instance of the pedal noise (you'll learn to recognize it pretty quickly: each noise has a distinct appearance in Spectral View), draw around with the marquee tool and press F3 (this shortcut repeats the previous action, so you don't have to use the menu again). A dialog box will appear if you have selected too large an area to fix, and you may need to experiement a little. But after the first one, you can then find each instance, draw around it, punch F3 and move on to the next. Even for long tracks you can get through rather quickly doing this. I use the method to remove finger squeaks from guitar tracks and it works very invisibly.