Removing "P" Pops from recorded vocals


New member
Please help.

I am working on a recording project with another person, and he recorded one of our vocalists without a Pop filter. :(

I have no way to get this person back in to re-record the tracks, and the tracks SCREAM with the exception of he annoying "P"'s.

Anyone know of a way to minimize/eliminate them? I have Sonar and Sound Forge, and would buy other software if necessary to solve the problem.

Thanks so much.


You can probably reduce their prominence by using a notch EQ filter. You need to find the frequency of the plosive.

Someone may be able to help you with suggestions of where to look. But in the meantime create a notch eq (-6db or more) and sweep until you locate the offending frequency.
Not to easly done........once its there then its a bitch to get it out.

Look under 100Hz and carefully clean it out but "Mayday..mayday.." Carefull not to thin out the vocals so much.

Another solution is a EQ with compressor combination and triggering. You boost the bass freq's were the pops are sticking out in the worst possible way. Set the compressor to compress hard with a fast attack time and med-fast release to react by a trigger to the pops, and set the gain reduction to light up only when you hear pops.

Or use a multiband compressor.....

> the tracks SCREAM with the exception of he annoying "P"'s. <

One great way to remove popping P's is to cut all the deep bass with an EQ, but only for the 1/4 second or so duration of the pop.

SoundForge is ideal for this, and you don't have to buy anything else. Find the popping P and highlight only that, then cut everything below 50 Hz. It's a pain if there are a lot of pops to find and remove, but this technique works. Be sure to have zero-crossing select enabled so the highlight doesn't span a zero crossing or you'll get an electronic click.

try a de esser they not only get rid of shhh's and things like that they get rid of P's and B's too